113904 – System Users Manual
C H A P T E R 6
General Specifications
Voltage 120 or 277Vac 1-phase 2-wire +10% -15%. Contact factory for all other voltages.
Input Power Walk-in Limiting inrush current to less than 125%, 10 times for 1 line cycle
Input Frequenc
60Hz, +/- 3%, 50Hz Available upon request
Synchronizing Slew Rate 1Hz per second nominal
Protection Input Circuit Breaker
Harmonic Distortion < 10%
Power Factor .5 lag/lead
Output Voltage 120 or 277Vac 1-phase 2-wire. Contact factory for all other voltages.
Static Voltage Load current change +/-2%, battery discharge +/-12.5%
Dynamic Voltage +/- 2% for +/-25% load step change, +/-3% for a 50% load step change, recovery within 3 cycles
Harmonic Distortion < 3% THD for linear load
Overload Fuse protected
Output Frequenc
60Hz +/- .05Hz during emergency mode
Load Power Factor .5 lag to .5 lead
Inverter Overload 125% for 5 minutes
Protection Circuit Breaker
Type Valve-regulated sealed lead-calcium.
Charger Microprocessor controlled for various battery types and temperature compensating (recharge per UL924 spec)
Protection Automatic low-battery disconnect; automatic restart upon utility return.
Disconnect Circuit Breaker & Fuse
Optional Runtimes Extended runtimes available. Consult factory for additional information.
Environmental Altitude < 10,000 feet (above sea level) without derating
Operating Temperature 20 to 30 degree Celsius
Storage Temperature -20 to 70 degrees Celsius (electronics only)
Relative Humidit
< 95% (non-condensing)
Design Stand-By UPS System. PWM inverter type utilizing MOSFET technology with 2mS transfer time.
Generator Input Compatible with generators.
Control Panel Microprocessor controlled 2 x 20-charactor Display with touch pad controls & functions
5 LED indicators & alarm with ring-back feature
Metering Input & Output Voltage, Battery Voltage, Battery & Output Current, Output VA, Temperature, Inverter Wattage
larms High/Low Battery Charger Fault, Near Low Battery, Low Battery, Load Reduction Fault, Output Overload,
High/Low AC Input Volts, High Ambient Temperature, Inverter Fault, Output Fault, Optional Circuit Breaker Trip
Communications Optional RS-232 port (DB9)
Manual Maintenance Bypass Optional external without internal distribution breakers.
larm Contacts Optional Summary Form "C" Contacts
1 year standard warranty includes all parts, labor, & travel expenses within 48 contiguous states. Up to 10 years
prorated warranty on batteries. Extended warranties, preventative maintenance and customized service plans
are available.
Factory Start-up Purchase factory start-up & receive 1 additional year of warranty.
5 Year Service Plan Purchase 5 year service plan & receive free factory start-up.
Physical Cabinet Freestanding NEMA Type 1
Cooling Forced Air, during emergency mode.
Cable Entr
ccess Front