The Type S automatic load-transfer control is pro-
grammed to customer’s specifications and thoroughly
tested before shipment from the factory. Perform the fol-
lowing pre-installation test setup and procedure to verify
the operation of the standard S control.
Note: This procedure does not test complete control opera-
tion. This can be done only on a complete installation
basis with the S control operating the high-voltage
transfer switches.
Test Set–up
1. Connect a 120 Vac, 60 Hz power supply to terminals Z
and G2 of TB2 being absolutely certain that the
grounded side of the power supply is connected to G2.
2. Jumper terminal Z to Y to X to C to B to A.
3. When the 120 Vac power supply is turned on, all six
phases are energized.
4. To simulate loss of voltage on any phase of either
source, simply unscrew the appropriate fuse “FU” in
the control.
Test Procedure
1. Check the indicating lamps by depressing the LAMP
TEST switch (S6). All lamps on the front panel of the
control (including fault block accessory if installed)
should light with equal brilliance.
2. With phase Y and/or phase B energized, terminals 11
and 21 of TB1 will always show 120 Vac to ground
or G
3. With OPERATIONS SELECTOR switch (S3) set to
MANUAL, terminal 13 of TB1 will respond to the
operation of MANUAL OPER. SOURCE I switch (S1)
showing 120 Vac to ground when S1 is in the open
position and 10 Vac, or less, when S1 is in the OFF
and CLOSE positions. Terminal 23 of TB1 will show
similar voltages to ground in response to the opera-
tion of MANUAL OPER.
4. When MANUAL OPER. SOURCE I switch (S1) is in
the CLOSE position there should be 120 Vac
between terminal 15 of TB1 and ground. Similarly,
when MANUAL OPER. SOURCE II switch (S2) is in
the CLOSE position there should be 120 Vac
between terminal 25 of TB1 and ground.
5. To check the response of the latching relay to auto-
matic operation, proceed as follows:
B. Select the desired source preference and return
mode with switch S4.
C. After waiting for a time in excess of the maximum
transfer delay timer setting (to make sure the con-
trol is at rest), simulate a “lost” phase by unscrew-
ing one of the preferred source fuses. Listen for
relay clatter to recognize breaking the circuit.
D. As soon as phase voltage is lost, the PREFERRED
TO ALTERNATE TIMER will start to run. Verify the
LED timer is illuminated during operation.
E. When timing is complete, the latching relay (R1)
will operate. Its position can be checked by the
presence of 120 Vac at test terminals T-1 or T-2 on
the front panel. 120 Vac between T-2 and T-3
(ground) means the latching relay has moved to
that position which would connect the load to
Source II if HV switches were connected to the
control. 120 Vac at T-1 means the load would be
connected to Source I.
F. Replace the removed fuse to restore preferred
source power, observe operation of the ALTER-
status of the latching relay (R1) when timing is
Note: SOURCE PREFERENCE switch S4 cannot be
in NO PREF position for this test.
G. Other modes of transfer can be checked by pro-
gramming the control for the desired sequence,
simulating loss of source voltage, observing resul-
tant control operation, and checking the final posi-
tion of the latching relay (R1).
6. Timer settings can be verified with a watch while per-
forming the checks in preceding Step 5.
7. Switch I and Switch II position indicating lamps will
not operate during this preinstallation check since the
high-voltage transfer switches are not connected to
the control.
Their operation can be verified by connecting a 100
ohm, 1 watt, resistor from TB1 terminals to ground
as follows:
SWITCH I OPEN lamp—terminal 15 to ground
SWITCH I CLOSED lamp—terminal 24 to ground
SWITCH II OPEN lamp—terminal 25 to ground
SWITCH II CLOSED lamp—terminal 14 to ground