NOTE: Whiletheengineisreachingthecompression
cycle,you mayhear a "clanking"noise. Thisnoiseis
causedby theimpellerflailspivotingand fallinginto
place andIS normal, Thisnoisewillcontinueuntillthe
impeller reaches fullspeed.
• Pullthe rope witha rapid, continuous,full arm
stroke while keeping a firm grip on the starter
• - Continuing to keep a firm grip on the starter
handle, let the rope rewind slowly. Do not let the
starter handle snap back against the eye bolt on
the handle. Repeat, if necessary, until engine
starts. Additional priming may be necessary.
• Move throttle controlto IDLE position for a few
minutes to warm up the engine. Move it back to
fast when running.
• ALWAYS keep the throttle control in the Fast
postion when operating the chipper-shredder
NOTE: Engine may run very slowly for the first five to
ten seconds after it has been started until the impeller
gains momentum and allows the engine to reach its
top RPM.
NOTE: Toidle smoothly, a new engine may require 3
to5 minutes of running at above theslow idle speed.
The idle speed has been adjusted forproper running
after thisbreak-in period.
Stopping the Engine
• Move throttle control lever to STOP position.
• Disconnect spark plug wire and move away from
the spark plug to prevent accidental starting while
the equipment is unattended.
Adjusting Nozzle Height
• The nozzle doorheightadjustmentlevershave
five positionsettingsand are found each side of
the nozzle door.See Figure 10.The nozzle door
heightshouldbe adjustedaccordingtothe
• Slidethe height adjustmentlever forward or
backwardforadjustingthe nozzle door upwards
ordownwards. See Figure10.
WARNING: Keepyour hands, feet and
any loose clothingclear ofthe nozzle any
timethe engine isrunning,When the
engine isrunning,a vacuum isbeing
created in thenozzle whichcan draw in
WARNING: Never make anyadjustments
on thenozzle whilethe engine isrunning.
;lide this lever
to adjust nozzle
door height
Figure 10
NOTE: Raise thenozzle height to vacuuma thick
layer ofleaves;lower thenozzle height forsmoother
Operation of your
Chipper-Shredder Vacuum
Yourchipper-shreddervacuum isdesigned tochip
smalltree branches and twigs,shred leaves and
vacuum foliage and otherlawn debris. For
convenienceinoperation,yourCraftsman chipper-
shreddervacuum isequippedwith a driveclutch
control allowing itto "self-propel."
WARNING: The impeller (chipping/
shredding mechanism) is rotating at all
times when the engine is running.
WARNING: Keep your hands away from
the nozzle openingand NEVER place your
handsor arms insideofthe chipperchute
when theengine isrunning.Doingsocould
resultinseriouspersonal injury.
IMPORTANT: Yourchipper-shredder vacuum is
equipped witha s_fety switch at the front leftportion
ofthe impellerhousing.The met-altab on"_henozzle
mustdepressthis switchfor the engine tostart. Be
certainthe nozzle isproperlyinplace before
attemptingto startthe unit.See Figure4 on page 6.
WARNING: Always surveythe area to be
vacuumedthoroughlybefore operatingthe
chipper-shrsddervacuum. Clear thearea
ofany obstructionssuch as toys, dog
chains, etc. Runningover suchan
obstructioncan resultin personalinjuryas
well as damage to thechipper-shredder
• Do not vacuum up anythingotherthan normal
yardwaste such as leaves or pine needles.