Operating Controls
(See Figure 17.)
Chute Crank
The chute crank is located on the left hand side of the
snow thrower. To change the direction in which snow
is thrown, turn chute crank as follows:
turn clockwise to discharge to the left;
turn counterclockwise to discharge to the right.
Throttle Control
The throttle control is located on the engine. It
regulates the speed of the engine.
Safety Ignition Switch
The ignition key must be inserted into the switch for
the unit to start. Remove the ignition key when the
snow thrower is not in use.
Left And Right Turn Trigger
The leftand right turn triggers are located on the
underside of the handles and are used to assist in
steering your snow thrower. Squeeze the right turn
trigger when turning right, squeeze the left turn trigger
when turning left. Operate your snow thrower in open
areas until you become familiar with these controls.
Shift Lever
The shift lever islocated in the center of the handle
panel. It may be moved into one of eight positions:
a. Forward--one ofsix speeds; positionone (1)
isthe slowest and position six (6) isthe
b. Reverse--two reverse (R) speeds; R2 is
Use the shift lever to determine ground speed. Do not
shift to different speed while the unit is moving.
Auger Control
The auger controlis locatedon the lefthandle.
Squeeze the auger controlagainst the handle to
engage theaugers;release todisengage the augers.
(Tractiondrive controlmust also be released.)
Traction Drive Control
The traction drive control is located on the right
handle. Squeeze the traction drive control to engage
the track drive; release to stop.
This same lever also locks the auger control so
thatyou can turn the chutecrank without interrupting
the snow throwingprocess. Ifthe auger control is
engaged withthetractiondrive controlengaged, you
can release the auger control(onthe lefthandle) and
the augerswillremain engaged. Release the traction
drive controltostop both the augers and thetrack
drive. (Auger controlmust also be released).
Chute Distance Control
The distance that snow is thrown can be adjusted by
adjusting the angle of the chute assembly. Move the
chute distance control forward to decrease the
distance, toward the rear to increase the distance.
Weight Transfer Lever
The weight transferlever islocated on the right side of
the snow thrower and is used to select the position of
the housing and the method of track operation. See
Figure 18. Move the lever to the right, then forward or
backward to one of the three positions.
p%nOtiWon ._ans portPosition
Figure 18
a. Transport_Raises the front end ofthe
snow throwerforeasy transport. Using
proper caution, this position may also be
used on many gravel driveways to clear
snow while leavinggravel undisturbed.
b. Normal Snow--Allows the tracks to be
suspended independently for continuous
ground contact.
c. Packed Snovv--Locks the front end of the
snow thrower down to the ground for hard-
packed or icy snow conditions.
To Stop The Snow Thrower
To stop the track, release the traction drive lever
of the snow thrower.
To stop throwingsnow, releas_the auger drive
leverand the drive lever ifengaged.
To stop the engine, push the throttle control
lever to OFF and pull out the ignition key. Do not
turn key.