BEFOREusingtheTwinCutterSawforthefirst time,ALWAYS familiarize yourself
withthe saw by making practicecuts inscrapmaterials.
The weightofthis saw helps to make thecutssmoother.Learn howto safely handle
and controlthe weightofthe saw.
ALWAYS besure that you positionthe blades perpendicularto the plane of the
workpiece. Make the cut at an approximate30° angle to the workpiecesurface.
(See Fig. 5).
Practice the properfeed speed rate for the materialsbeing cut.The bladesspinat a
consistent5500 RPM (no-load speed).
Engage the on/offswitchto start the saw.Toengage, pressdown on the back of the
switch, then pushforward. ALWAYS let the bladesreachfull speed beforeyou begin
the cut into the workpiece.
IMPORTANT: When using your saw, ALWAYS stay alert and exercise control.
DO NOT remove your saw from the workpiece, while the blade Is moving.
Blades perpendicular to workplece
Approximately 30°
maintain propercontrolofthe saw
to make sawing safer and easier.
Lossof control of the saw could
cause an accident resulting in
possible seriousinjury.
Fig. 7
NEVER hold the saw withjust
one hand (see Fig. 6).
ALWAYS holdsaw bymotorbodyand
assisthandle (see Fig.7).