See Changing the Oil.
Using the proper type and weight of oil in the crankcase is
extremely important. Check the oil before each use and
change the oil regularly. Failure to use the correct oil, or using
dirty oil, can cause premature engine wear and failure.
Use a high-quality SAE 30 weight oil of API (American
Petroleum Institute) service class SF, SG, SH.
NOTE: This unit is shipped without oil. In order to avoid
damage to the unit, put oil in the crankcase before you
attempt to start the unit.
Your unit is supplied with one 3.04 _ _
fluid oz. (90 ml.) bottle of SAE 30
SF, SG, SH oil (Fig. 3).
NOTE: Save the empty oil bottle.
the correct amount during
future oil changes. See
Changing the Oil.
Fig. 3
1. Unscrew the top of the
bottle of oil and remove the Oil Fill (__
paper seal covering the Plug ----_._ __
opening. Replace the top.
Next, cut the tip off the O-Ring ___
funnel spout (Fig. 3).
2. Tip unit so that the back of Oil Fill \_, V _,
the engine is facing up in a Hole \ \ '_
vertical position. Fig. 4
3. Remove the oil fill plug from _4 _ _ _°_
the crankcase (Fig. 4). _._
4. Pour the entire bottle of oil
into the oil fill hole (Fig. 5).
NOTE: Never add oil to the fuel _.
or fuel tank.
5. Wipe up any oil that may
have spilled and reinstall the
oil fill plug.
Check oil before each use and Fig.'5
change as needed. Refer to
Checking the Oil Level.
Old fuel is the primary reason for improper unit performance.
Be sure to use fresh, clean, unleaded gasoline.
NOTE: This is a four cycle engine. In order to avoid damage to
the unit, do not mix oil with gasoline.
Definition of Blended Fuels
Today's fuels are often a blend of gasoline and oxygenates
such as ethanol, methanol or MTBE (ether). Alcohol-blended
fuel absorbs water. As little as 1% water in the fuel can form
acids when stored. Use fresh fuel (less than 60 days old), when
using alcohol-blended fuel.
Using Blended Fuels
If you choose to use a blended fuel, or its use is unavoidable,
follow recommended precautions:
• Always use fresh unleaded gasoline
• Use a gas stabilizer fuel additive
• Drain tank and run the engine dry before storing unit
Using Fuel Additives
The use of a gas stabilizer will inhibit corrosion and minimize
the formation of gum deposits. Using a fuel additive can keep
fuel from forming harmful deposits in the carburetor for up to
six (6) months. Add 0.8 oz. (23 ml.) of fuel additive per gallon of
fuel according to the instructions on the container. NEVER add
fuel additives directly to the unit's gas tank.
[_ WARNING: Add fuel in a clean, well ventilated I
outdoor area. Wipe up any spilled fuel immediately. I
Avoid creating a source of ignition for spilt fuel. Do
not start the eng ne unt fue vapors d ss pate. j
WARNING: Gasoline is extremely flammable.
Ignited vapors may explode. Always stop the engine
and allow it to cool before filling the fuel tank. Do
not smoke while filling the tank. Keep sparks and
open flames at a distance from the area.
!_ WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly to avoid 1
injury from fuel spray. Never operate the unit
!without the fuel cap securely in place.
1. Remove the fuel cap (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
2. Place the gas container's spout into the fill hole on the fuel
tank (Fig. 5) and fill the tank.
NOTE: Do not overfill the tank.
3. Wipe up any gasoline that may have spilled.
4. Reinstall the fuel cap.
5. Move the unit at least 30 ft. (9.1 m) from the fueling source
and site before starting the engine.
NOTE: Dispose of the old gasoline in accordance to Federal,
State and Local regulations.