Engh_e will not
lacks power, or
dies under a
Engine smokes
Engine runs hot.
1. Air filter dirty.
2. Fuel not reaching
3. Spark plug fouted.
4. Carburetor requires 4.
5. Carbon build up. 5.
6. Compression low. 6.
1. Choke partially on. 1.
2. Fuel mixture incorrect. 2.
3. Air filter dirty. 3.
4. Carburetor requires 4.
1. Fuel mixture incorrect. 1.
2. Spark plug incorrect. 2.
3. Carburetor requires 3.
4. Carbon build up. 4.
1. Clean or replace air filter.
2. Check for dirty fueI filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
3. Clean or replace spark plug
and re-gap.
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
Adjust choke.
Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
Clean or replace air filter.
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
See "Fueling Engine" in Operation
Replace with correct spark plug.
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
Contact Sears Service (see back cover).
LIGATIONS: The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency/California Air Re-
sources Board and Sears, Roebuck and
Co., U.S.A., are pleased to explain the
emissions control system warranty on
your year 2005 and later small off-road
engine. In California, all small off-road
engines must be designed, built, and
equipped to meet the State's stringent
anti-smog standards. Sears must war-
rant the emission control system on your
small off-road engine for the periods of
time listed below provided there has
been no abuse, neglect, or improper
maintenance of your small off-road en-
gine. Your emission control system in-
cludes parts such as the carburetor and
the ignition system. Where a warrant-
able condition exists, Sears will repair
your small off-road engine engine at no
cost to you. Expenses covered under
warranty include diagnosis, parts and
TY COVERAGE: If any emissions re-
lated part on your engine (as listed un-
der Emissions Control Warranty Parts
List) is defective or a defect in the mate-
rials or workmanship of the engine
causes the failure of such an emission
related part, the part will be repaired or
replaced by Sears.
LITIES: As the small off-road engine
engine owner, you are responsible for
the performance of the required mainte-
nance listed in your instruction manual.
Sears recommends that you retain all
receipts covering maintenance on your
small off-road engine, but Sears cannot
deny warranty solely for the lack of re-
ceipts or for your failure to ensure the
performance of all scheduled mainte-
nance. As the small off-road engine en-
gine owner, you should be aware that
Sears may deny you warranty coverage
if your small off-road engine engine or a
part of it has failed due to abuse, ne-
glect, improper maintenance, unap-
proved modifications, or the use of parts
not made or approved by the original
equipment manufacturer. You are re-
sponsible for presenting your small off-
road engine to a Sears authorized repair
center as soon as a problem exists.
Warranty repairs should be completed in
a reasonable amount of time, not to ex-
ceed 30 days. If you have any ques-
tions regarding your warranty rights and
responsibilities, you should contact your
nearest authorized service center or call
Sears at 1-800-469-4663. WARRANTY
ty period begins on the date the small