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WARNINGS.................................AND SAFETYINSTRUCT!0NS -
Failu)_.to follow all Safety Rules and Prdeardions can result in serious injury.
1. Read your Operator's Manual carefully ur_tfl
you completely understand and can follow all warn-
ingsand safety instructionsbefore operatingunit.
Z. Restrict your unit to users who understand and
follow all warnings and safety, instructions in .
_thls manual.
l"..:_[ways wear eyeproteetion to prevent rocks or
..debris from being blown or ricocheting into eyes and
face which can result in blindness andlor other seri-
ous mjuryo
2. Always wear a respirator or facemask when
working with the unit in di_sty environments.
3. Always wear heav_ long pants, boots, and
gloves. Do not go barefoot or wear short pants,
sandals,jewelry,looseclothing,or clothingwith
loosely hangingstraps, ties,tassels,etc_;they canbe
•caught in moving _. Secure;_]_ir so it is above
tectyou from piecesof_ic pla_ts suchaspoison
ivy"thrownby theblade,which couldbe more ofa
4, Do not operate the unit when you are fired, ill,
upset, or ffyou are trader the influence of alcohol,
drugs, ormedication.
5. Keep children, bystanders, andanimals away
from.the work area a mirdmum of 3Ofeet wher_start-
ing or operating the unit. .
6. Inspect the areahefore starting the unit. Re-
move all debris and hard objects such as rocks,
glass, wire, etc. that can ricochet, be thrown, or oth-
.. exw]secause injury or damage during operation,
L Elimizmte all sources of sparks or flame (in-
.. , " clud_g smoking,open flames,or work that can
causesparks)inareaswhere ft_elismixed,poured,
2. _ and pour fuelin an outdoor area;stor_
fuel in a c0ol, dry, well-ventilated place;, use an ap-
......proved, marked container for_._d_nrposes ....
;,%_'I_ m:ct_a_ke while h_ndiii_:_ih'_or w_i|e
"" :"_q_erating the unit. . . • '.'" '
• 4,..Do not fill fud tmuk w_ile en_e Is running.
5._ Stop the engine before removmgthe fuel cap,_
"Allow the engine to cool before refueling.
6. Wipe up allZuel spills/_J_orestsrtingengine;
7. Move at least 10 feet away from fuel and fuel.
ing site before starting the engine.
6. Never use for apreadin_ chemicals, fertiliz,
ers, or any other material w_ich may contain toxic
7. Do not set the unit on any surface except a
clean, hard area to start the engine or while
the engine is running. Debrissuchas gravel.
sand, dust, grass, etc. could be picked up by the air
intake and thrown out through the discharge open-
ing,damagingthe unit, property, or causing serious
injury to bystanders or the operator.
8, Avoid dangerous environments. Do not use in
unventilated areas or where explosive vaporsor
carbon monoxide build up could be present.
9. Avoid situations whmh could se_ the collec-
tion bag on fwe, Do not vacuum discarded cigars
or cigarettes or ash,from fireplaces, barbecue pits.
brush piles, etc. To avoid spreading fire, do not use
blower nearleaforbrushfires,Rreplaces,barbecue
pits, ashtrays, etch.
IO.Do not overreach or use from unstable sur.
faces such. as ladders, troe_ steepsl_pe_ rooftops,
etc_ Use extra care when'cleaningon stairways.
Keep firm footing and balance at all times.
ll.Never place objects inside the blower tubes;
alwaysdirectthe blowingdebrisawayfrom people,
.mobiles,Walls,etc.The forceofaircancausereeks,
damage. Do not allow the unit to be used as a toy.
I2,Nevex place any object in the air intake open-
ing as th_ couldrestrict proper air flow and cause
damage to the unit.
13.Never run unit-wlthout the proper_equil _-
me_t attached. W_en used as._blower, aIways in-
stallablowertube.When usedasavacuum,always
install vacu_ tubes and collecUon hag assemb}y.
,I4.Use only for jobs explained_n this m_uaL
L Have all maintenanca other than the rec0mmended
p_ descn_oedin_heOperator'sManual per-
. formedbyyo_trSearsSer'.-iceCenter.
2, Disvonneet spark plug before performing
maintenance except"for carburetor a&_tmtment.
3. Use only genuine replacement l_arts as recbm.
mended by Sears to avoid creatinga hazard and/or
voiding your warr_ty.
4. Cheek air zutake openings, blower tubes, el-
bow tube, and vacuum tuhes frequentl_ aL
wayswiththeen_mestopped. Keepventsandtubes
li Stop the engine before opening the vaenum free o£ debris Which can accumulate and restrict
inIet door or attempting to insert or remove the proper air flow. :
" -vacu,,um,t,_b_"_T._--_e_glne_-_'-_ ppe-dandthe "" _. Before storing t[_ unit,use up fad leftinthe__:'
_mpeaer maae_u_ger"tm_ng_.:Tavom seno_ carburetorand furllines by startingtheeng."eand=..
injuryfromthe rotatlngblades.
2. Inspect the entire unit before each use for wo r_ lettingit run until it stops. See _Storpge section.
loose,missing,ordamaged parts.Do notuseuntil 6. Do not use any accessoryor attachmentother
theu_dtisinproperworkingorder, thanthoserecommendedby Searsforusewithyour
3, Keep the outside surfaces free ofoil and fuel. unit.
4. Never start or run unit inside a closed room 7. D6 not store the unit or fuel in a closed area
from staticelectrictt_do not fromhotwaterheaters,e]ectricmotorsorsv_tches,
wear rubber or anyother insulated glov.es..,whileLo._._::: ..... furnace s_etc, , ' . - _ .
erating the unit. _ _g;" Store _:_dry area out ofreae_ ofbhildren,
If sltuations occur which are not covered m th_s manual, ase care arzd goodj_dgeme_ .
Contact your Sears Service Center/DepOt if you need assistance, _ 3 -