How To Check The Friction Wheel
If the snow thrower will not move for-
ward, check the traction drive belt, the
traction drive cable or the friction wheel.
If the friction wheel isworn or damaged,
it must be replaced. See "How To Re-
place the FrictionWheel" in this section.
If the friction wheel is not worn or dam-
aged, check as follows.
1. Run the engine untilthe fuel tank is
empty and the engine stops.
2. Stand the snow thrower up on the
front end of the auger housing
(see F_ure 37).
3. Disconnect the spark plugwire.
4. Loosen the bolts on each side of
the bottom panel (see Figure 37).
5. Remove the bottom panel.
6. Position the shift speed lever in
the lowest forward speed.
7. Note the position of the friction
wheel (see Figure 38). The correct
distance =A" from the rightside of
the friction wheel to the outside of
the motorbox is as follows:
Tire Size Distance "A"
12 and 13 inch 4-1/8"
16 inch 4-5/16"
If the friction wheel isnot in the
correct position, adjust according to
the following instructions.
5. Install the bottom panel (see
Figure 37).
6. "13ghtanthe bolts on each side of
the bottom panel.
Bolt Bottom Panel
Figure 37
How To Adjust The Friction Wheel
1. Position the shift speed lever in
the lowest forward speed.
2. Loosen the bolts on the speed
control rod (see Figure 39).
3. Move the fdcUon wheel to the cor-
rect position (see Figure 38).
4. "13ghtenthe bolts on the speed
control rod (see Rgure 39).
F-04101 11L
Figure 39