Checking Oil Level
Oii level should be checked prior to each useor at least every
5 hours of operation=Keepoii ievetmaintained.
1. Make suregenerator is on a ieve!surface=
2. Cleanareaaround oii fiii and remove oii fiii cap=
3. Verify oii is at the point of overflowing at oil fill opening.
4. Replaceand tighten oil fill cap=
Adding Engine Oil
1. Make suregenerator is on a levelsurface.
2. Checkoii ieveias described in CheckingOffLevel
3. If needed,siowiy pour oii into oil fill opening to the
point of overflowing at oil %.
4. Replaceand tighten oil fill cap.
Changing Engine Oil
Changethe oil after the first 5 hours of operation. Changeoil
every 50 hours thereafter, if you are using your generator
underextremely dirty or dusty conditions, or in extremely hot
weather,changethe oil more often.
or rep_
Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancelin certain
4. Removeoil drain plug and drainoil completely into a
suitabie container.
5. Reinstailoil drain plug and tighten securely. Removeoil
fill cap.
6. Slowiy pour oil (about 28 oz.) into oil fill opening (B) to
the point of overflowing (C)at oil fill cap. DONOT
7. Reinstatioii fiii cap. Fingertigilten capsecurely.
8. Wipe up any spiiied oil.
Service Air Cleaner
Your engine wiil not run properiy and may bedamagedif you
run it with a dirty air cleaner.
Repiacethe air cieanerevery 25 hours of operation or once
eachyear, whichever comes first. Repiacemore often if
operating under dirty or dusty conditions.
To servicethe air cteaner,foiiow these steps:
1. Loosenscrews (A) and remove air cleanercover (B).
Changethe oil while the engine is still warm from running, as
1. Make sure unit is on a levelsurface.
2. Disconnectthe spark piug wire from the spark piug and
placethe wire whereit cannot contact spark plug.
3. Cban areaaround oil drain ptug (A). Theoii drain plug
is located at baseof engine,opposite carburetor.
2. Carefullyremove cartridge (C)from base (O),
3. Instaii ctean (or new) air cieanerassemblyinside cover.
Disposeof old fiiter properly.
4. Assembteair cleanercover onto baseand tighten
NOTE:You canpurchase new air cleaner elementsby calling