BdggS & Stratton Corporation (B&S), the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
and the United States Environmental Pr,otactfon Agency (U.S. EPA)
Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner s Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)
Inthe interestoftheenvironment,B&Senginasthat meetstrictemis- TO CERTIFIED ENGINES PURCHASED IN CALIFORNIA IN 1995
sionrequlremantsarelabeled,"Thisengineconformsto 1995-1998 AND THEREAFTER, WHICH ARE USED IN CALIFORNIA, AND
California emission regulationsfor ULGE engines and U.S. EPA TO CERTIFIED MODEL YEAR 1997 AND LATER ENGINES
Phase I regulationsfor small non-road engines." WHICH. ARE PURCHASED AND USED ELSEWHERE IN THE
California and United State==Emlulon Control Defects Warranty Statement
CARB, U.S. EPA and B&S are pleased to explain the Emission
ControlSystemWarrantyon your 1996and laterutilityor lawn and
garden equipment(ULGE) engine. InCalitomia,newULGE engines
produced on or after August t, 1995 must be designed, builtand
equipped to meet the State's stringentanti-smog standards,Else-
where in the United States, new non-road, spark-ige_ engines
certifiedfor modelyear 1997 and later,mustmeet similarstandards
set forth by the U.S. EPA. B&S must warrantthe emissioncontrol
systemon your enginefor theperiodsof time listedbelow,provided
there has been nosbuse, neglector impropermaintenance of your
ULGE engine.
Youremissioncontrolsystem includesparts suchas thecarburetor,
air cleaner, ignitionsystem, muffler and catalytic conveder. Also
includedmay beconnastorsand otheremissionrelatedassemblies.
Where a warrantablecondition exists, B&S will repair your ULGE
engineat no cost to you includingdiagnosis, parts and labor.
Brfggs & Stratton Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage
ULGE engines are warranted relative to emission control pads below,lfanycoveredpadonyourangineisdetective, thepadwi, be
detects for a period of two years_ subject to provisionsset forth repaired or replacedby B&S.
Owner's Warranty Responsibilities
As theULGE engineowner,you are responsiblefor the performance Youare responsiblefor presentingyour ULGE engineto an Autho-
of the requiredmaintenance ]istsd in yourOperator/OwnerManual.
B&S recommendsthat you retain all yourreceiptscovering mainte-
nance on your ULGE engine, but B&Scannot denywarrantysolely
for thelackofreceiptsorfor yourfailure toensuretheperformanceof
all scheduledmaintenance.
Asthe ULGE engine owner,youshouldhoweverbe awarethat B&S
may deny you warranty coverageif your ULGE engineora parthas
failed due to abuse, neglect, impropermaintenance or unapprovod
dzed B&S Service Dealer as soon as a problemexists.The undis-
putedwarrantyrepairs should be completed ina reasonebla amount
of time, not to exceed 30 days.
If you have any quastlons regarding your warranty rights and
responsibilities, you shouldcontacta B&S Service Representative
at 1-4! 4-259-5262.
The emissionwarranty isa defectswarranty.Defects are judged on
normal engine performance. The warrantyis not related to an in-use
emission test.
Brlggs & Stratton Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions
The following are specificprovisionsrelativetoyour EmissionControlDefects WarrantyCoverage.Itisinadditiontothe B&S enginewarranty
for non-ragulatedengines found in the Operator/OwnerManual.
1. Warranted Parts
Coverage under this warranty extends only to the parts listed
below (the emissioncontrol systemsparts) to the extent these
parts were present on the engine purchassd.
a. Fuel Metering System
• Cold start enrichment system (serf choke)
• Carburetor and internalpads
,, Fuel Pump
b. Air Induction System
• Air cleaner
• . Intake manifold
c. Ignition System
• Spark piog(s)
• Magneto ignition system
d. Catalyst System
• Catalytic converter
• Exhaustmanifold
• Air injection system orpulse valve
e. MiscellaneousItems Used inAbove Systems
• Vacuum, temperature, position,time sensitivevalves
and switches
• Connectors and assemblies
2. LengthofCoverage
B&Swarrantstothe initia_ownerand each subsequentpurchaser
that the WarrantedParts shall be free from defectsin materials
and workmanshipwhich caused the failure of the Warranted
Partsfor a penod oftwo yearsfrom the date theengineis deliv-
eredto a retailpumhaser.
3. No Charge
Repair or replacementof any Warranted Part willbe performed
at no chargetothe owner, including diagnostic labor whichleads
to the determination that a Warranted Part is defective, if the
diagnostic work is performed at an Authorized B&S Service
Dealer. For emissions warranty service contact your nearest
Authorized B&S Service Dealer as listed in the "Yellow Pages"
under "Engines, Gasoline," "Gasoline Engines," "Lawn
Mowers," or similarcategory.
4. Claims and Coverage Exclusions
Warranty claimsshallbe tiled in accordance withthe provisions
of the B&S Engine Warranty Policy. Warranty coverage shall be
excluded for failures of Warranted Parts whichare not original
B&S parts or because of abuse, neglect or improper mainte-
nance as set forth inthe B&S Engine Warranty Policy. B&S isnet
liable to cover failures of Warranted Parts caused by the use of
add-an, non-or'_ginsi,or modified parts.
5. Maintenance
AnyWarranted Part which is not scheduledfor replacementas
required maintenance or which is scheduled only for regular
inspectionto the effectof =repair or replace as necessary" shall
be warranted as to defects for the warranty period. Any
Warranted Partwhich isscheduledfor replacement as required
maintenanceshallbe warrantedasto defectsonlyforthe period
of time upto the first scheduled replacementfor thatpart. Any
replacementpartthatis equivalentinperformance and durability
may be usedintheperformanceof any maintenanceorrepairs.
The owner is responsiblefor the performance of all required
maintenance, as defined inthe B&S Oparator/Owner Manual.
6. ConsequentialCoverage
Coverage hereunder shall extend to the failure of any engine
componentscaused by the failure of any Warranted Part still
under warranty.