IMPORTANT: The snow thrower is shipped with oil and WITHOUT
GASOLINE. After assembly, refer to separate engine manual for
proper fuel and engine oil recommendations.
Loose Parts
• Theaugersaresecuredtotheaugershaftwithshearpinsand
bow tie cotter pins. If you hit a foreign object or ice jam, the snow
thrower is designed so that the pins may shear. Replacement shear
pins and cotter pins are provided for your convenience. Store these
safely until needed.
Items Required For Assembly
Pair of pliers 7/16” Wrenches or adjustables
Fresh gasoline
Before Assembly
• Disconnectthesparkplugwireandgrounditagainsttheengineto
prevent unintended starting.
• Referencetotherighthandorlefthandsideofmachineare
observed from the operating position.
Assembling Handle
• Look at the lower rear of the snow thrower frame to be sure the
spring (found at the end of each cable) is attached to its actuator
• Removethelowerhandleknobs,washersandcarriageboltsfrom
each side of the upper handle. See Figure 2.
• Raise the upper handle assembly until it locks over the lower
handle. See Figure 1.
• Secure the upper handle and lower handle with the handle knobs
and carriage bolts previously removed.
• Tighten the handle knobs already in place on the upper holes and
secure the handles firmly.
Attaching Chute Crank
• Removethehairpinclipfromtheupperchutecrankandslidethe
upper chute crank into the lower chute crank. A pair of pliers may
help in this job. See Figure 3.
a. Align the two holes on both chute cranks. See Figure 3.
b. Secure with the hairpin clip removed earlier.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3