Tecumseh Servicing Dealer or bycontacting Tecumseh Products Co.,
c/o Service Manager, Engine and Transmission Group Service
Division, 900 North Street, Grafton, W153024-1499. Telephone 1-262-
377-2700 [or in USA/Canada call 1-800-558-5402] or see your local
telephone yellow pages under "Engines, Gasoline" for the name,
address and telephone number of a Authorized Tecumseh Servicing
Dealer near you.
Important Note
This warranty statement explains your rights and obligations under the
Emission Control System Warranty ("ECS Warranty") which is provided
to you by Tecumseh Products Co. pursuant to California law.
Tecumseh Products Co. also provides to original purchasers of new
Tecumseh Products Co. engines. The Tecumseh Products Co. Limited
Warranties for New Tecumseh Engine and Electronic Ignition Modules
("Tecumseh Products Co. Warranty") which is enclosed with all new
Tecumseh Products Co. engines on a separate sheet.
The ECS Warranty applies only to the emission control system of your
new engine.To the extent that there is any conflict in terms between the
ECS Warranty and the Tecumseh Products Co. Warranty, the ECS
Warranty shall apply except in any circumstances in which the
Tecumseh Products Co. Warranty may provide a longer warranty
pedod. Both the ECS Warranty and the Tecumseh Products Co.
Warranty describe important dghts and obligations with respect to your
new engine.
Warranty service can only be performed by a Tecumseh Products Co.
Authorized Servicing Dealer. At the time of requesting warranty
service, evidence must be presented of the date of sale to the odginal
purchaser. The purchaser shall pay any charges for making service
calls and/or for transporting the products to and from the place where
the inspection and/or warranty work is performed. The purchaser shall
be responsible for any damage or loss incurred inconnection with the
transportation of any engine or any part(s) thereof submitted for
inspection and/or warranty work.
If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and
responsibilities, you should contact Tecumseh Products Co. at 1-262-
377-2700 or in USA/Canada call 1-800-558-5402.
Emission Control System Warranty
Emission Control System Warranty ("ECS Warranty") for 1995 and
later model year California small off-road engines (for other states,
1997 and later model year engines):
A, APPLICABILITY: This warranty shall apply to 1995 and later
model year California small off-road engines (for other
states, 1997 and later model year engines). The ECS Warranty Period
shall begin on the date the new engine or equipment is delivered to its
original, end-use purchaser, and shall continue for 24 consecutive
months thereafter.
warranted for the remainder of the ECS Warranty Pedod prior tothe
first scheduled replacement point for such emissions-related part.
4. Repair or replacement of any warranted, emissionsrelated part
under this ECS Warranty shall be performed at no charge to the owner
at a Tecumseh Authorized Service Outlet.
5. The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic labor which leads to
the determination that a part covered by the ECS Warranty is infact
defective, provided that such diagnostic work is performed at a
Tecumseh Authorized Service Outlet.
Tecumseh Products Co. warrants to the original, end-use purchaser of
new engine or equipment and to each subsequent purchaser that its
small off-road engines are:
1. Designed, built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable
regulations adopted by the Air Resources
Board pursuant to its authority in Chapters 1 and 2, Part 5, Division 26
of the Health and Safety Code, and
2. Free from defects in materials and workmanship which,at any time
during the ECS Warranty Period, will cause a warranted emissions-
related part to fail to be identical in all material respects to the part as
described inthe engine manufacturer's application for certification.
6. Tecumseh Products Co. shall be liable for damages to other original
engine components or approved modifications proximately caused by
a failure under warranty of an emissiomrelated part covered by the
ECS Warranty.
7. Throughout the ECS Warranty Period, Tecumseh Products Co. shall
maintain a supply of warranted emission-related parts sufficient to
meet the expected demand for such emission-related parts.
8. Any Tecumseh Products Co. authorized and approved emission-
related replacement part may be used in the performance of any ECS
Warranty maintenance or repair and will be provided without charge to
the owner. Such use shall not reduce Tecumseh Products Co. ECS
Warranty obligations.
C. The ECS Warranty only pertains to emissions-related parts on your
engine, as follows:
1. Any warranted, emissions-related parts which are not scheduled for
replacement as required maintenance in the Owner's Manual shall be
warranted for the ECS Warranty Pedod. If any such part fails during the
ECS Warranty Period, it shall be repaired or replaced by Tecumseh
Products Co. according to Subsection 4 below. Any such part repaired
or replaced under the ECS Warranty shall be warranted for any
remainder of the ECS Warranty Period.
2. Any warranted, emissions-related part which is scheduled only for
regular inspection as specified in the Owner's Manual shall be
warranted for the ECS Warranty Pedod. A statement in such written
instructions to the effect of "repair or replace as necessary", shall not
reduce the ECS Warranty Pedod. Any such part repaired or replaced
under the ECS Warranty shall be warranted for the remainder of the
ECS Warranty Period.
3. Any warranted, emissions-related part which is scheduled for
replacement as required maintenance in the Owner's Manual, shall be
warranted for the period of time prior to the first scheduled replacement
point for that part. Ifthe partfails prior to the first scheduled
replacement, the part shall be repaired or replaced by Tecumseh
Products Co. according to Subsection 4 below. Any such emissions-
9. Unapproved add-on or modified parts may not be used to modify or
repair a Tecumseh Products Co. engine. Such use voids this ECS
Warranty and shall be sufficient grounds for disallowing an ECS
Warranty claim. Tecumseh Products Co. shall not be liable hereunder
for failures of any warranted parts of a Tecumseh Products Co. engine
caused by the use of such an unapproved add-on or modified part.
Emission-Related Parts include the following:
1. Carburetor Assembly and itsInternal Components
a. Fuel filter
b. Carburetor gaskets
c. Intake pipe
2. Air Cleaner Assembly
a. Air filterelement
3. ignition System, including:
a. Spark plug
b. Ignition module
c. Flywheel assembly
4. Catalytic Muffler (if so equipped)
a. Muffler gasket (if so equipped)
b. Exhaust manifold (ifsoequipped)
5. Crankcase Breather Assembly and its Components
a. Breather connection tube
related part repaired or replaced under the ECS Warranty, shall be