GT-80D QuadraDrive
(Semi-) Technical Description:
“What is
reverb, anyway?”
Imagine yourself seated in a small, lightly furnished room, about to enjoy a private performance by your
favorite guitarist. The guitarist picks up an acoustic guitar and sharply strikes a single chord, then immediately
mutes the strings with his strumming hand. Sound waves instantaneously travel from the guitar’s sound hole
through the air to you ears, where your brain processes the waves into the musical sounds you know so well. At
the same time, reflected sound waves are bouncing all around the room: off the walls, ceiling and floor, off of the
musician, off of you; off of everything in the room. These multiple reflections occur so fast and in such large num-
bers that your ears perceive them as one sound: reverb. Without these reflections the sound from the guitar would
seem lifeless, dry and unnatural.
Different rooms produce different reflections, thus producing different sounding reverbs. The same guitarist’s
single-chord performance in a large concert hall would sound different than it did in the intimate surroundings
described above, due to the different reflections produced - thus, the different sounding reverb.
What can be produced by nature can be simulated through the use of the GT-80D’s highly sophisticated digi-
tal electronics circuitry. The GT-80D has many different reverbs available, as well as some unique digital effects,
not found in nature.