Crestron QM-MD5x1 QuickMedia™ Matrix Switcher/Mixer
Operations Guide - DOC. 6300 QuickMedia™ Matrix Switcher/Mixer: QM-MD5x1 • 65
Verbose Mode Commands
R0\r Verbose mode off
R1\r Verbose mode on
R?\r Get verbose mode status
When the state of the verbose mode changes to on, or if polled for status, the MD5x1
replies with one of the responses listed in the following table.
Verbose Mode Status Replies
R1\r Verbose mode on
R0\r Verbose mode off
Switching/Routing Functions
Switching/Routing Commands
IxO1A\r Switch input x to the QM output audio only*.
IxO1V\r Switch input x to the QM output video only*.
IxO1M\r Switches the remote microphone input to the
QM output. Where “x” can be equal to 0 (off)
or 1 (QM5 microphone pair).
IxO1\r Switch audio and video input x, and the
microphone input on QM5 to the QM output *.
Switches all outputs. Where A1 is the audio
input routed to the QM output, V1 is the video
input routed to the QM output, and M1 is the
remote microphone input (QM5) routed to the
QM output. Each audio and video input value
is 2 digits, and thus can range from 00 (for no
source) to 05, corresponding to inputs 1
through 5. Acceptable microphone switching
values are 00 (for no microphone) or 01 (for
QM5 microphone. The "XX" (or "xx") specifier
should be used to denote a "don't care"
condition, in which case the respective output
should retain its state. Refer to the example on
page 66.
O1A?\r Get status of output A (audio).
O1V?\r Get status of output V (video).
O1M?\r Get status of output M (microphone).
S?\r Get status of all output channels.
* Where “x” should equal 0 (for no source) through 5, corresponding to inputs 1
through 5;. Thus to route a digital audio source from IN 4 (RGB) to the QM
output, set the Control$ input to “I4O1A\r”. Alternatively, the command string
can consist of 2-digit values, e.g.,“I04O01A\r”.
Any switches made to the microphone or audio inputs will use the current mixer
NOTE: If an input greater than “5” or “05” is sent, the command is ignored. If an
output destination less than or greater than “1” / “01” is sent to the MD5x1, the
command is ignored.