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IQ Mixer/Multiplexer Hardware Installation
Rev. 0
5.2.2 Crown Factory Service
To obtain factory service, fill out the
Service Infor-
mation Card
in the back of this manual and send it
along with proof of purchase and the defective unit
to the Crown factory. Enclose a letter explaining the
nature of the problem and what service you would
like. Include your return shipping address and tele-
phone number.
The unit must be shipped in the original factory
pack. If you no longer have the original shipping
container, contact us and we will promptly send you
a replacement.
Crown will pay ground shipping costs both ways in
the United States for warranty service after receiv-
ing copies of all shipping receipts. Shipments
should be sent UPS ground. (If the unit is under
warranty, you may send it C.O.D. for the cost of the
shipping.) The factory will return your serviced unit
via UPS ground. Please contact our Shipping De-
partment (219-294-8246) if other arrangements are
5 Service
Your unit has very sophisticated circuitry which
should only be serviced by a fully trained techni-
cian. This is one reason why each unit bears the
following label:
5.1 International Service
Service may be obtained from an authorized Im-
porter Service Center. (Contact your local Importer
or our office for a list of authorized service centers.)
Simply present your bill of sale as proof of purchase
along with the defective unit to an authorized Ser-
vice Center to obtain service. They will handle the
necessary paperwork and repair.
Remember to transport your unit in the original fac-
tory pack. Amcron will pay the surface shipping
costs both ways for warranty service to the autho-
rized service center nearest you after receiving
copies of all shipping receipts. You must bear the
expense of all taxes, duties, and customs fees
when transporting the unit.
5.2 Crown Service
Service may be obtained in one of two ways: from
an authorized Crown Service Center or from the
factory. You may choose either. It is important that
you have your copy of the bill of sale as your proof
of purchase.
5.2.1 Service at a Crown Service Center
This method usually saves you the most time and
effort. Simply present your bill of sale along with the
defective unit to an authorized Crown Service Cen-
ter. They will handle the necessary paperwork and
repair. Remember to transport your unit in the origi-
nal factory pack.
Crown Technical Support Group
POB 1000
Elkhart, Indiana 46515-1000 U.S.A.
Phone: 1-800-342-6939
or: 1-219-294-8200
Fax: 1-219-294-8301