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IQ Mixer/Multiplexer Hardware Installation
Rev. 0
7 Specifications
7.1 General
Protection: Audio outputs can be shorted indefi-
nitely without causing damage. If communication is
lost, the unit will continue functioning as pro-
grammed. If power is interrupted, the unit will func-
tion as programmed before the AC failure after the
power is restored.
Controls: DIP switches and a slide switch are ac-
cessible from the right side of the unit for setting the
communication format, baud rate, parity and Crown
Bus address. Each audio input has a 3-position se-
lector (mic/line/phantom-powered mic) and a cali-
brated gain control.
Display: A red Enable LED lights when power is ap-
plied to the unit. A yellow DSPI (Data Signal Pres-
ence Indicator) LED lights when the appropriate
command is sent from the system computer or
whenever the unit is receiving data.
Audio inputs and outputs: 3-pin male removable
barrier block connectors. Buchanan
SSB4L03S cable connector or equivalent supplied.
Crown Bus serial communication: 4-pin male re-
movable barrier block connector and chassis
ground stud. Buchanan type SSB4L04S cable con-
nector or equivalent supplied.
Aux control: 3-pin Switchcraft TB3M. Mates with
Switchcraft TA3F cable connector or equivalent.
RS232/422/Crown Local Net: Female DB25.
Stacking inputs: Phono (RCA) jacks.
Auxiliary Control: Output ON applies 10 VDC to pin
3. Input ON is caused by applying 5 to 30 VDC at
pin 2. Pin 1 is ground reference.
Power Requirements: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 20 W.
Dimensions: 19 inches (48.3 cm) wide for standard
rack mounting, 1.75 inches (4.4 cm) high, 9.8
inches (24.9 cm) deep behind mounting surface,
0.15 inches (3.8 mm) deep in front of mounting sur-
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz (4 kg).
Finish: Black splatter-coat chassis and front panel.
Construction: 16-ga. steel chassis, 18-ga. steel
cover, 0.125-inch (3.2 mm) aluminum front panel.
7.2 Audio
Input Type: Active differential, transformers op-
Input Impedance: Microphone: 4 kohms nominal.
Balanced Line: 20 kohms. Unbalanced Line: 13
Maximum Input Level: Microphone: +7 dBu. Line:
+32 dBu (0 dBu = .775 Vrms).
Phantom Power: 44 VDC through two 6810-ohm re-
sistors, switchable at each mic input.
Common Mode Rejection Ratio: (Typical) 60 Hz-
1 kHz: 55 dB. 20 Hz-20 kHz: 45 dB.
Output Type: Active balanced, optional transform-
ers. For unbalanced operation, leave the "–" terminal
Output Impedance: 50 ohms per side, 100 ohms bal-
Maximum Output Level: +26 dBu balanced.
Maximum Gain: Mic input: 77 dB. Line input: 52 dB.
Frequency Response: +0/–1 dB from 20 Hz to 20
Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.05% at +4 dBm
output. Less than 0.15% at +20 dBm output, 20 Hz
to 20 kHz measured at mic input with 40 dB gain.
Noise: Output noise, all inputs off: –80 dBu (106 dB
below rated output). Output noise, one line input at
0 dB gain: –80 dBu. Equivalent input noise, mic in-
put, 46 dB gain, 150-ohm source: –125 dBu. (Specs
are typical, unweighted, for 20 Hz to 20 kHz.)
Crosstalk: Adjacent inputs/outputs at 1 kHz: better
than –80 dB. Adjacent inputs/outputs from 20 Hz to
20 kHz: better than –65 dB.