Chapter 1: Crown Amplifi ers In-Depth 7
Amplifi er Application Guide
1.2 System Wiring
The information in this section covers making input and output wiring connec-
tions, as well as troubleshooting problems relating to system wiring.
1.2.1 Input Wiring
Input Connector Wiring
Refer to the following diagrams for input cable wiring for commonly-used con-
nector types.
Note: These diagrams follow the AES wiring convention of Pin 2 = hot for XLR
Note: If two or more channels with the same
input ground reference are driven from the
same fl oating source, connect only one shield
to the source chassis
Balanced, Grounded Source
For use with components equipped with three-wire
grounded AC line cord or other ground connection.
Balanced, Floating Source
For use with components equipped with two-wire
AC line cord or battery power.