FM1000A User's Manual
AF Audio Frequency; the frequencies between 20 Hz
and 20 kHz in the electromagnetic spectrum.
ALC Automatic Level Control
AM Amplitude Modulation; the process of impressing
information on a radio-frequency signal by varying
its amplitude.
bandwidth The range of frequencies available for signalling.
BCD Binary-Coded Decimal; a digital system that uses
binary codes to represent decimal digits.
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BNC A bayonet locking connector for miniature coax;
said to be short for Bayonet-Neill-Concelman.
broadband As used in the FM transmitter, refers to the entire
audio spectrum as opposed to the spectrum influ-
enced by the pre-emphasis; also called "Wideband."
carrier A continuous signal which is modulated with a
second, information-carrying signal.
crosstalk In FM broadcasting, this term generally refers to
the interaction between the main (L+R) and the
subcarrier (L–R) signals as opposed to "separation"
which generally refers to leakage between left (L)
and right (R) channels.
density (program) A high average of modulation over time.
deviation The amount by which the carrier frequency
changes either side of the center frequency.
DIP Dual In-line Package; term used to describe an IC
or socket that has two parallel rows of pins.
distortion The unwanted changes in signal wave shape that
occur during transmission between two points.
DPM Digital Panel Meter
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ESD Electrostatic Discharge; a discharge that is poten-
tially distructive to sensitive electronic compo-