FUSE. Continued
The electrolyte (acid and water) in each cell should
be at ring level at all times to prevent battery
failure. When the electrolyte is below this level,
add pure, distilled water.
NOTE: There are two fuses adjacent to the lighting
switch on the tractor pedestal (left side). The lower
fuse is for the lights; the upper fuse is for the
electric clutch.
Acid or electrolyte should never be added except
by a skilled battery man. Under no circumstances
add any special battery "dopes", solutions or
install a new fuse, press in on the fuse housing
cap and turn counterclockwise to remove it from
the fuse housing. Remove the old fuse and replace
it with a new one. Then reassemble the cap to the
CAUTION! If the tractor is to be tipped
up or on its side remove the batteries to
avoid spilling the electroyte. Battery
electrolyte is poisonous and can be injurious to
eyes, skin, and clothing. If electrolyte is spilled,
flush immediately with water, followed by a
solution of one part baking soda to four partswater.
Before working on any part of the electrical
system, disconnect the battery ground cable at the
battery negative (-j terminal. Do not reconnect this
cable until all work has been completed. This will
prevent shorting and damage to any of the elec-
trical units. Examine the electrcial cables occa-
sionally to be sure they are not being frayed by
contact with adjacent parts.
Connecting Booster Batteries
When replacing a battery, make certain the ground
cable is connected to the negative (-) terminal on
the battery. Be su re the rubber boot is properly
positioned over the positive (+) terminal on the
battery. NOTE: Both cables must be assembled
with the nuts to the inside of the terminals to
prevent shorting against fender well.
When required, a booster 12-volt battery may be
connected in parallel with the 12-volt system on
I nternational Cub Cadet Tractors.
CAUTION! Gas discharged by batteries
is explosive. Avoid sparks near the
Cleaning and Servicing the Battery
NOTE: All circuits must be turned "off". Elec-
trical system is NEGATIVE (-) grounded only.
Reversed polarity will result in permanent damage
to components of the electricat system.
Occasionally remove the battery cables and
brighten the terminal contact surfaces with wire
wool, and reassemble them. Apply a light coat of
vaseline or chassis lubricant. Be sure the terminals
are clamped tightely and that the battery is
fastened securely in the battery box. Replace
unserviceable cable. Keep the vent holes in the
battery filler caps open.
The first jumper cable must connect the positive
(+) terminal of the booster battery and the positive
terminal of the battery on the tractor.
Keeping the battery fully charged not only adds to
its life but makes it available for instant use when
The second jumper cable must first be connected
to the negative (-) terminal of the booster battery;
and then to a point on the frame of the tractor,
away from the battery, having a good ground, so
no spark occurs near the battery.
Check the battery at least once a month for
electrolyte level.
For dependable battery service, see your I nter-
national Harvester dealer.