You’ll find many easy ways to prepare savory, healthful meals with your Cuisinart
SmartPower Duet
Deluxe 600-Watt Blender/Food
Processor. The simple recipes that follow include some old Cuisinart favorites as well as some creative combinations that are sure to please
your friends and family.
To activate blender Press On/Off - The blender is in Standby mode
To begin blending Press desired speed button
To change speeds Press desired speed button
To pulse In Standby mode press Pulse, then press and release
desired speed button as needed
To crush ice In Standby mode, press Ice Crush button
To stop blending (and deactivate
Press On/Off button
To stop blending (in High, Low or
Ice Crush speeds)
Press any speed button
To stop blending (in Pulse) Release speed button
Refer to this guide to choose the best blender speed for your desired result.
Ingredient/Recipe Speed Result
Reconstituting frozen juice concentrate Low Smooth and full-bodied
Mayonnaise Low Thick and creamy
Salad dressings Low or High Completely blended and
Nuts (shelled, ½ cup or less at a time) High – Pulse to chop Coarse to fine
Heavy or whipping cream Low – Pulse Thick, creamy topping
Bread, cookies or crackers (add
½-inch pieces, 1 cup or less at a time)
High – Pulse first,
then blend
Coarse to fine as desired
Grating/chopping citrus zest (add
1 to 2 teaspoons sugar or salt from recipe)
Low – Pulse first,
then blend
Uniformly fine
Smoothies, shakes, health drinks Low or High Smooth, creamy and thick
Baby food/fruit and vegetable purée High Smooth and creamy
Frozen cocktails High Thick and slushy
Hard cheeses High – Pulse first,
then blend
Coarse to fine
Spices Low or High – Pulse
first, then blend
Coarse to fine
Ice Ice Crush, pulse or
Coarse crush to snowy
The Food How to Prepare It
Fruit and vegetables Peel and core if necessary. Remove large hard pits
and seeds. Cut into ¾-inch pieces and process up to
1 cup at a time.
Meat, poultry and fish These should be very cold but not frozen. First, cut
into ¾-inch pieces. Put up to ½ pound in work bowl.
Pulse or run continuously until desired consistency is
reached. Check texture every 2 or 3 seconds to avoid
Bread, crackers or cookies Break into 1-inch pieces and process continuously
until texture for crumbs is fine. For seasoned crumbs,
chop with herbs. For buttered crumbs, dribble melted
butter through feed tube while processing.
Crumb crusts Chop crackers or cookies as described in preceding
paragraph. Add other recipes as specified by recipe.
Pulse until combined.
Hard cheese – grated If it is too hard to cut with a knife, don’t try to chop
it – it may damage blade. First cut into ½-inch pieces.
Pulse until pea-sized, then process continuously. You
can chop it as coarse or as fine as you want. Simply
run machine longer for finer chop. Process up to
3 ounces at one time.
Whipping cream Process refrigerated cream one cup at a time. It is
excellent as a topping for desserts or hot drinks.
Fresh herbs Work bowl and metal blade must be clean and dry.
Remove stems; use leaves only. Dry herbs completely.
The more herbs you chop at once, the finer chop
you can get. Chopped herbs keep for several days in
the refrigerator in airtight bags, or can be frozen for
months. Chop up to ½ cup at one time.