
This warranty covers defects in parts and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the original
purchase date.
The following conditions are NOT covered by this warranty:
• Damagecausedbyimproperassemblyordisregardofthemanual.
• Useofsparepartsnotsuppliedbymanufacturer.
• Damageresultingfrommodicationsorinappropriateuse.
• Damagecausedbyimpropermaintenanceorrepairsbyanunauthorizedperson.
Limitations and exclusions:
1. This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and may not be transferred.
2. If you can not verify the purchase date of the grill the warranty period will begin on the date the
grill was manufactured.
3. Replacement or repair parts are warranted for the remaining period of the original part warranty.
Your obligations:
This grill must be assembled, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with all applicable
codes and the instruction manual furnished with this grill. You must keep an invoice, cancelled
check or payment record to verify the purchase date of the grill.
For customer service please call:
North American Distributor:
The Fulham Group
Newton, MA 02466
Model # CFGS-150