
Document #: 38-07189 Rev. *C Page 3 of 12
The CY2291 is a third-generation family of clock generators. The
CY2291 is upwardly compatible with the industry standard
ICD2023 and ICD2028 and continues their tradition by providing
a high level of customizable features to meet the diverse clock
generation needs of modern motherboards and other
synchronous systems.
All parts provide a highly configurable set of clocks for PC
motherboard applications. Each of the four configurable clock
outputs (CLKA–CLKD) can be assigned 1 of 30 frequencies in
any combination. Multiple outputs configured for the same or
related[3] frequencies have low (<500 ps) skew, in effect
providing on-chip buffering for heavily loaded signals.
The CY2291 can be configured for either 5V or 3.3V operation.
The internal ROM tables use EPROM technology, allowing full
customization of output frequencies. The reference oscillator has
been designed for 10 MHz to 25 MHz crystals, providing
additional flexibility. No external components are required with
this crystal. Alternatively, an external reference clock of
frequency between 1 MHz and 30 MHz can be used. Customers
using the 32-kHz oscillator must connect a 10-MW resistor in
parallel with the 32-kHz crystal.
Output Configuration
The CY2291 has five independent frequency sources on-chip.
These are the 32-kHz oscillator, the reference oscillator, and
three Phase-Locked Loops (PLLs). Each PLL has a specific
function. The System PLL (SPLL) drives the CLKF output and
provides fixed output frequencies on the configurable outputs.
The SPLL offers the most output frequency divider options. The
CPU PLL (CPLL) is controlled by the select inputs (S0–S2) to
provide eight user-selectable frequencies with smooth slewing
between frequencies. The Utility PLL (UPLL) provides the most
accurate clock. It is often used for miscellaneous frequencies not
provided by the other frequency sources.
All configurations are EPROM programmable, providing short
sample and production lead times. Please refer to the application
note “Understanding the CY2291, CY2292, and CY2295” for
information on configuring the part.
Power Saving Features
The SHUTDOWN/OE input three-states the outputs when pulled
LOW (the 32-kHz clock output is not affected). If system
shutdown is enabled, a LOW on this pin also shuts off the PLLs,
counters, the reference oscillator, and all other active compo-
nents. The resulting current on the V
pins are less than 50 μA
(for Commercial Temp. or 100 μA for Industrial Temp.) plus 15
μA max. for the 32-kHz subsystem and is typically 10 μA. After
leaving shutdown mode, the PLLs have to re-lock. All outputs
except 32K have a weak pull down so that the outputs do not float
when three-stated.
The S2/SUSPEND input can be configured to shut down a
customizable set of outputs and/or PLLs, when LOW. All PLLs
and any of the outputs except 32K can be shut off in nearly any
combination. The only limitation is that if a PLL is shut off, all
outputs derived from it must also be shut off. Suspending a PLL
shuts off all associated logic, while suspending an output simply
forces a three-state condition.
The CPUCLK can slew (transition) smoothly between 8 MHz and
the maximum output frequency (100 MHz at 5V/80 MHz at 3.3V
for Commercial Temp. parts or 90 MHz at 5V/66.6 MHz at 3.3V
for Industrial Temp. and for field-programmed parts). This feature
is extremely useful in “Green” PC and laptop applications, where
reducing the frequency of operation can result in considerable
power savings. This feature meets all 486 and Pentium®
processor slewing requirements.
CyClocks Software
CyClocks is an easy-to-use application that allows you to
configure any one of the EPROM programmable clocks offered
by Cypress. You may specify the input frequency, PLL and output
frequencies, and different functional options. Please note the
output frequency ranges in this data sheet when specifying them
in CyClocks to ensure that you stay within the limits. CyClocks
also has a power calculation feature that allows you to see the
power consumption of your specific configuration. CyClocks is a
sub-application within the CyberClocks™ software. You can
download a copy of CyberClocks for free on Cypress’s web site
at www.cypress.com.
Cypress FTG Programmer
The Cypress Frequency Timing Generator (FTG) Programmers
is a portable programmer designed to custom program our family
of EPROM Field Programmable Clock Devices. The FTG
programmers connect to a PC serial port and allow users of
CyClocks software to quickly and easily program any of the
CY2291F, CY2292F, CY2071AF, and CY2907F devices. The
ordering code for the Cypress FTG Programmer is CY3670.
Custom Configuration Request Procedure
The CY229x are EPROM-programmable devices that may be
configured in the factory or in the field by a Cypress Field Appli-
cation Engineer (FAE). The output frequencies requested are
matched as closely as the internal PLL divider and multiplier
options allow. All custom requests must be submitted to your
local Cypress FAE or sales representative. The method to use to
request custom configurations is:
Use CyClocks™ software. This software automatically calcu-
lates the output frequencies that can be generated by the
CY229x devices and provides a print-out of final pinout which
can be submitted (in electronic or print format) to your local FAE
or sales representative. The CyClocks software is available free
of charge from the Cypress web site (http://www.cypress.com) or
from your local sales representative.
Once the custom request has been processed you receive a part
number with a 3-digit extension (for example, CY2292SC-128)
specific to the frequencies and pinout of your device. This is the
part number used for samples requests and production orders.
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