Document #: 38-02097 Rev. *B Page 11 of 44
LVTTL Output,
Link Fault Indication Output. LFIx is an output status indicator signal. LFIx is the
logical OR of five internal conditions. LFIx
is asserted LOW when any of these condi-
tions are true:
■ Received serial data rate outside expected range
■ Analog amplitude below expected levels
■ Transition density lower than expected
■ Receive channel disabled
■ ULCx is LOW
■ No REFCLKx±.
Device Configuration and Control Bus Signals
LVTTL input,
internal pull up
Control Write Enable. The WREN input writes the values of the DATA[7:0] bus into
the latch specified by the address location on the ADDR[3:0] bus.
ADDR[3:0] LVTTL input
internal pull up
Control Addressing Bus. The ADDR[3:0] bus is the input address bus used to
configure the device. The WREN input writes the values of the DATA[7:0] bus into the
latch specified by the address location on the ADDR[3:0] bus.
Tabl e 9 lists the
configuration latches within the device, and the initialization value of the latches upon
the assertion of RESET
. Table 10 shows how the latches are mapped in the device.
DATA[7:0] LVTTL input
internal pull up
Control Data Bus. The DATA[7:0] bus is the input data bus used to configure the
device. The WREN
input writes the values of the DATA[7:0] bus into the latch
specified by address location on the ADDR[3:0] bus.
Table 9 lists the configuration
latches within the device, and the initialization value of the latches upon the assertion
of RESET. Ta ble 1 0 shows how the latches are mapped in the device.
Internal Device Configuration Latches
RFMODE[A..D][1:0] Internal Latch
Reframe Mode Select.
FRAMCHAR[A..D] Internal Latch
Framing Character Select.
DECMODE[A..D] Internal Latch
Receiver Decoder Mode Select.
DECBYP[A..D] Internal Latch
Receiver Decoder Bypass.
RXCKSEL[A..D] Internal Latch
Receive Clock Select.
RXRATE[A..D] Internal Latch
Receive Clock Rate Select.
SDASEL[A..D][1:0] Internal Latch
Signal Detect Amplitude Select.
ENCBYP[A..D] Internal Latch
Transmit Encoder Bypass.
TXCKSEL[A..D] Internal Latch
Transmit Clock Select.
TXRATE[A..D] Internal Latch
Transmit PLL Clock Rate Select.
RFEN[A..D] Internal Latch
Reframe Enable.
RXPLLPD[A..D] Internal Latch
Receive Channel Power Control.
RXBIST[A..D] Internal Latch
Receive Bist Disabled.
TXBIST[A..D] Internal Latch
Transmit Bist Disabled.
OE2[A..D] Internal Latch
Differential Serial Output Driver 2 Enable.
OE1[A..D] Internal Latch
Differential Serial Output Driver 1 Enable.
PABRST[A..D] Internal Latch
Transmit Clock Phase Alignment Buffer Reset.
GLEN[11..0] Internal Latch
Global Latch Enable.
FGLEN[2..0] Internal Latch
Force Global Latch Enable.
6. See Device Configuration and Control Interface for detailed information on the internal latches.
Pin Definitions (continued)
CYV15G0404DXB Quad HOTLink II Transceiver
Name I/O Characteristics Signal Description
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