Setting Your PowerMonitors’ Low Frequency Control
Your PowerMonitors have a level control for the electronic crossover
which allows you to perfectly tune the output level of the powered low
frequency subwoofer section to match your room as well as to fulfill
your own personal listening preferences. Please note that there are no
controls to vary the crossover points or phase because these have been
factory set to provide perfect blending (a major performance benefit of
this innovative product.). Set the level control so that the sound is most
pleasing to you.
We suggest starting at about 1 o’clock on the dial.
Normally the level control of the left speaker will be set the same as the
level control of the right speaker. However, these controls can also be set dif-
ferently on the two speakers in order to allow you to vary the response of left
and right speakers separately to compensate for variations and asymmetrical
positioning of the left and right speakers in your room (i.e., when one is clos-
er to a side wall or corner, etc.) if this is how you must set them up. This is a
very unique and useful feature which allows you much greater flexibility in
loudspeaker placement, as well as the ability to optimize what could other-
wise be difficult placement situations.
Setting Low-Frequency Balance When Using Separate LFE Input
We suggest that when you are using a separate LFE input, you set
the bass level on your PowerMonitors to “sound balanced” when lis-
tening to music in stereo and use the .1 channel or bass level control
in your Dolby Digital channel balancing procedure on your decoder to
raise or lower the bass level for movie sound effects.
Dolby Digital and Dolby ProLogic systems and decoders have a critical channel balancing
procedure for the left and right front speakers, center channel, rears and subwoofer (if it is hooked up
through the LFE or Sub Out low level connection) which must be followed if the system is to
perform properly. We have spoken with many system users with problems relating to the overall sound
of their system which could be clearly traced back to improper system balance.
Also note that Dolby Digital decoders have bass management systems (systems which direct the bass
to the various channels) which vary from unit to unit. This bass management system must also be
properly adjusted. If your PowerMonitor is hooked up with speaker level wires and no low level LFE
channel input, your receiver or decoder’s bass management system should be set for large left and
right main speakers and NO subwoofer (even though you have subwoofers). This will properly channel
the sub bass LFE information into the left and right channels and then into your
subwoofers. If you have a PowerMonitor, C/L/R 2300, C/L/R 2500, or C/L/R 3000 center channel, you
will usually set your decoder’s bass management center channel setting to “Large” (however, don’t be
afraid to experiment). If not, set it to “Small.” If you are using rear surround speakers with very
extended low frequency response—such as another pair of PowerMonitors—set the rear channels of
your decoder’s bass management system to “Large.” If not, set them to “Small.”