516 Index
Recycling Information, 504
Re-dial / Pause button, 224
Redial Attempts, 143, 154, 292,
Redial Delay, 143, 154, 292, 384
Reduce/Enlarge, 140, 150, 240,
Re-enter Password, 149
Refresh, 132
Refresh Mode, 357
Registration Adjustment, 338
Regular, 146
Relative humidity, 431
Remote Rcv Tone, 292, 385
Remote Receive, 143, 154, 292,
Remote Receive Tone, 143, 154
Removing the Toner
Cartridges, 441
Report Page, 232
Reports, 146, 327
Resend Delay, 143, 154, 292, 384
Reset Defaults, 158, 340
Reset Print Server, 178
Reset Wireless, 379
Resetting Defaults, 357, 407
Resolution, 142, 151-152, 298,
366, 369
Restore Settings, 132
Return Policy, 504
Right Frame, 132
Ring Tone Volume, 143, 154,
292, 383
Ringer Volume, 290
Safety information, 26
Scan button, 225
Scan Defaults, 142, 151, 345
Scan Service Lock Set, 140, 149
Scan To Network, 142, 151, 364
Scan to PC, 177
ScanButton Manager, 413
ScanDirect, 413
Scanner Driver/Printer Utility
Problems, 499
Scanner Unit, 460
Scanning Problems, 496
Secure Receive, 149, 403
Secure Receive Set, 140, 149
Secure Settings, 140, 148, 402
Security Settings, 169
Security Slot, 34
Select Reorder URL, 146
Selecting Letterhead, 192
Selecting Paper, 191
Selecting Preprinted Media, 192