Property Description
Keyword Search Filters components based on the text you provided. For example, if you
provide PowerEdge, Dell Repository Manager displays all the latest
repositories and components applicable to the Latitude systems.
NOTE: You can enter only regular search syntax in this field.
Brand The available options are:
• All or Selected
– Server
* PowerEdge
• Rack
• Blade
• Tower
– Storage
* EqualLogic
* PowerVault
Supported Platforms Filters components based on the selected platform. The available options
• All
• Selected
For example, if you select PowerEdge R720, Dell Repository Manager
displays the components applicable to the Dell PowerEdge R720 system.
NOTE: When you select a platform, Dell Repository Manager displays
all the applicable updates relevant to that platform. However, not all
these updates may be available at www.dell.com/support.
Operating System Filters components based on the file format. The options available
options are:
• Windows 32–bit
• Windows 64–bit
• Linux (32–bit and 64–bit)
• OS Independent
For example, if you select Windows-DUP, Dell Repository Manager
displays the components applicable to the Windows operating system. If
you select Non-DUP, Dell Repository Manager displays components that
are operating system-independent.
Release Date Filters components based on the release date of the components. The
available options are:
• Any Date
• Exact Date
• Prior To
• Most Recent