Dell PowerConnect 28xx Systems User Guide 51
Returning to Managed Mode
When returning to Managed mode from either Unmanaged or Secure mode, the Restore Saved
Configuration page appears. This page can be used to retrieve a saved configuration. You can also change
the device IP address using this page.
Figure 4-3. Restore Saved Configuration
Local Configuration
— No saved configuration is loaded.
Server IP Address/File Name
— Loads a previously saved configuration.
Use Saved IP/User Name/Password
When restoring local configuration, this option uses the IP
address, user name and password that were automatically saved when you exited Managed mode.
When restoring a saved configuration, this option uses the IP address, user name and password inside
the saved configuration.
Use Current IP/User Name/Password
When restoring local configuration, this option uses the
system default IP address, user name and password.
Apply Changes
— The selected configuration is restored and the device reboots.