Using a Dell DJ MP3 player for field playback of bird songs. Rev A2, November, 2005
© Copyright Stuart Healy www.aztrogon.com Page 12 of 25
Step 2 – Add source tracks to Raw Birds Library
Adding tracks to a library in Musicmatch involves three basic steps: a) import the tracks; b) add tag
information; c) name the tracks.
Many music discs already contain the track names and other information that Musicmatch recognizes and
tags automatically. If not, Musicmatch provides an on line lookup service (free) for name, artists and
other data for tons of albums. Unfortunately, however, we birders are destined for manual labor.
Steps a) and b) can be performed on multiple tracks simultaneously; step c) is obviously once per track.
Performing tag edit operations in the optimum order minimizes the number of edits that have to be made
and makes selection of tracks easier during the editing process.
Step a) is very simple. After clicking on “Add Tracks”, navigate to the location of the source files then
click “Select All”, or select specific tracks. This is shown in Musicmatch Screen 2 using Disc 1 of the
Cornell California three disc set.