4-4 Dell Inspiron 3000 Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
Figure 4-2. Main Screen of the Dell Diagnostics
onfirming the System
Configuration Information
When you boot the computer from your diagnostics dis-
kette, the diagnostics checks your system configuration
information and displays it in the System Configuration
area on the main screen.
The following sources supply this configuration informa-
tion for the diagnostics:
The system configuration information that you
selected through the system setup options
Identification tests of the microprocessor, the video
controller, the keyboard controller, and other key
Basic input/output system (BIOS) configuration
information temporarily saved in RAM
Do not be concerned if the System Configuration area
does not list the names of all the components or devices
you know are part of the computer. For example, you
may not see a printer listed, although you know one is
attached to the computer. Instead, the printer is listed as a
parallel port. The computer recognizes the parallel port
as LPT1, which is an address that tells the computer
where to send outgoing information and where to look
for incoming information. Because your printer is a
parallel communications device, the computer recog-
nizes the printer by its LPT1 address and identifies it as a
parallel port.
System Set
Diskette Drives
Hard-Disk Drives (Non-SCSI)
Serial/Infrared Ports
Parallel Ports
* On the Dell Inspiron 3000, a CD-ROM drive installed in the options bay is recognized as IDE Drive 1.
Dell Computer Corporation
Dell System Diagnostics
Memory 16 MB
Secondary Cache 256
Processor(s) 1-Pentium(R)/MMX
USB (0) Intel(R) 7112
Video SVGA,2048 KB
Keyboard Integrated
Mouse Integrated
Diskette Drive(s) A:1.4MB
IDE (0)2168 MB, 0525 Cyl, 128 Hd, 63 Se
Serial IR Ports 2
Audio IRQ 5, DMA 0, CS4237B
Parallel Ports 1
Network Interface None
System Configuration
Available Test Groups
Main Menu: Run Select Subtest Options Test Limits About Key-Help Quit
Display the Run Menu.
Press Q to Quit
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