Configuring Switch Information 257
VLAN Membership Section
The VLAN Membership Section contains the following fields:
• Show VLAN—Lists and displays specific VLAN information according to:
– VLAN ID—Displays VLANs by VLAN ID. The default ID for the VLAN is 1. If
the VLAN has an ID that is the current port Port Default VLAN ID (PVID), and
the ID is deleted from the port, the port PVID is set to 1. VLAN number 1 cannot
be deleted from the system. The VLAN range is 1-4095. VLAN 4095 is the Discard
– VLAN Name—Displays VLAN according to the VLAN name.
• VLAN Name—Displays or defines a user name for the VLAN.
• Status—Indicates the VLAN type. VLANs are user-defined (permanent), created
through GVRP, or are default VLANs. The possible field values are:
– Dynamic—Indicates the VLAN was dynamic created through GVRP.
– Static—Indicates the VLAN is user-defined.
– Default—Indicates the VLAN is the default VLAN.
• Remove—Removes the VLAN from the VLAN Membership Table. The possible field
values are:
– Checked—Removes the VLAN group from the VLAN Membership Table.
– Unchecked—Maintains the VLAN group in the VLAN Membership Table.