Stacking Dell Force10 MXL 10/40G Switches
Numerous Dell™ switches include a stacking feature that allows multiple physical switches to operate
as a single logical switch, providing a consolidated interface for management. The Dell Force10 MXL
10/40Gb switch is the latest Dell switch with this feature. Up to six Dell Force10 MXL switches can be
connected in a single stack using QSFP+ (40Gb) ports.
A single switch (Master) in the stack controls all switches in the stack thereby allowing the user to
manage and configure all member switches and ports using one IP address. This IP address is copied
from the Master to the Standby when the Standby is created. If for any reason the Master fails and the
Standby takes over as the Master, the IP address of the stack will remain the same, allowing continuous
management of the stack.
The new Master unit will also continue to use the original Master unit’s MAC address which helps to
reduce disruptions to the network. When a failed Master re-joins the stack, it does so as a member
(not a Master) unless a new Master has not had time to be elected.
Up to four QSFP+ (40Gb) ports can be used for stacking on any member switch. Only two scenarios
support using four ports. One uses all four ports in a daisy-chain stack topology containing only two
switch members. The other uses a ring topology with two links between each member (see Figure 6).
Three or four QSFP+ ports may also be used between each member in a daisy-chain topology containing
only two member switches. The typical scenario uses one or two QSFP+ ports to connect stack
members in a ring topology while allowing available QSFP+ ports for uplinks. Dell recommends a ring
topology (connecting the first and last members to create a loop) for a more resilient stack that helps
avoid stack splits. Stack splits are covered below in more detail.
This document provides an easy to use step-by-step guide on how to configure stacking for the Dell
Force10 MXL (Figure 1).
Dell Force10 MXL (10/40G Ethernet) Figure 1.
Note: The Dell Force10 MXL can only be stacked with other Dell Force10 MXL switches.
Note: Only QSFP+ ports can be used for stacking and they must be in 40Gb mode. Stacking cannot be
enabled on these ports when split into four 10Gb ports.
An important advantage of stacking is that it provides a consolidated interface for management of
multiple switches linked together. After a stack is deployed in the network, operators can easily add
units to the stack as their port requirements increase, with minimal administrative overhead.