Removing the 14.1-Inch Display Bezel
1. Remove the hard drive.
2. Remove the display assembly.
3. Use a plastic scribe to pry the six rubber screw covers out of the screw holes located on the front of the bezel.
4. Remove the six M2.5 x 5-mm screws located on the front of the bezel.
5. Startingatthebottomofthedisplaypanel(bytheDELL™logo),useyourfingerstoseparatethebezelfromthetopcoverbyliftinguptheinsideofthe
bezel while pushing in on the outside.
Removing the 14.1-Inch Display Panel
1. Remove the hard drive.
2. Remove the display assembly.
3. Remove the display bezel.
4. Remove the hinge covers.
5. Remove the two M2 x 4-mm screws on the left side of the display panel and the two M2 x 4-mm screws on the right side of the display panel.
6. Remove the M2 x 4-mm screw that secures the display-feed flex cable to the display assembly through the black plastic flex-cable retention bracket.
7. Lift from the top and rotate the display panel out of the top cover.
8. Disconnect the bottom flex-cable connector from the inverter connector by pulling straight up on the attached pull tab.