• Working knowledge of Microsoft Remote Installation Services (RIS) and Automated Deployment
Services (ADS) (including setting up of RIS and ADS environments) or any other third-party
deployment system or tool for Windows PE.
• Working knowledge of Windows Deployment Services (WDS) or any other third-party deployment
system or tool for Windows PE.
• A workstation with the following capabilities:
– Writable media drive
– Network access
• A target system with a media drive, if performing a local deployment.
• A target system with a media drive and network access, if performing a network deployment.
• All DTK utilities, sample scripts, and sample configuration files.
• Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.
• Your operating system software and documentation.
• An optimally configured source system with network access.
NOTE: You can download the latest drivers from support.dell.com.
For Linux, ensure that you have all of the following tools, software, and information ready to use or
• Advanced knowledge of Linux and Linux scripting (bash), Linux networking, installing and working
with RPM Package Managers, and creating and modifying loop file systems.
• Any third-party deployment system or tool.
• A workstation with the following capabilities:
– A writable media drive
– Network access
• A target system with a media drive, if performing a local deployment.
• A target system with a media drive and network access, if performing a network deployment.
• All DTK utilities, sample scripts, sample configuration files, and RPM packages.
• All operating system RPM packages that DTK RPMs require.
NOTE: Tools such as Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM), Yet Another Setup Tool (YAST), and
Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) can be used to manage RPM dependency issues.
• All other utilities and files necessary to perform the deployment, including all required Linux drivers,
operating system drivers, and the Dell utility partition file.
• Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation DVD.
• Your operating system software and documentation.
• An optimally configured source system with network access.
NOTE: You can download the latest drivers from support.dell.com.
The following table describes the essential and optional drivers required for Dell‑supported hardware to
build your Windows PE environment.
NOTE: The drivers provided have been tested successfully in the Windows PE environment.