PowerConnect 5500 Series Release Notes
System Firmware Version Subject to Change Without Notice Page 5
PC55xx - unable to set speed 1000 via
web GUI on ten gigabit interfaces
User cannot set TE port
speed to 100 via EWS. This
can be done only VIA CLI
WEB GUI fixed
PC55xxP – Power to PDs lost every once
in a while
every once in a while port
flapping would occur, in
some cases when a large
number of POE edge
equipment is connected to
device, and in addition there
are some non-POE
equipment connected as
Fixed the problem
Known Restrictions and Limitations
“Utilization Summary”,
"Interface Utilization
field" sometimes
displays “-“
When sending wire-speed traffic, and the
refresh rate is longer than 15 seconds, the
WEB GUI displays “-“ instead of a real value.
When sending wire-speed traffic,
use refresh rate of 15 seconds.
USB key might hang
after several quick
inserts and removals
requiring a reboot.
After the USB key is inserted and removed
several times very quickly (within a second)
along with the "dir usb:" command, the key
stops responding. The USB key becomes
operational after reboot.
Wait a few seconds between
insertion and removal of the USB
Cisco Phones 7960
interoperability problem
Some of Cisco 7960 IP Phones create a short
on Ethernet wires when connected to PC55xx
POE ports. Connecting such phone to PC55xx
might cause a leakage of power to other POE
devices connected on the same switch. This
may cause POE issues on neighboring ports.
Use a two pair Ethernet cable (e.g.
Cat3) while working with Cisco
7960 IP Phones
Documentation updates
This document lists the changes from the PowerConnect 5524/5548/5524P/5548P Systems User’s Guide. The
modifications are due to instances discovered in various user environments.
Summary Description Relevant Documents
CLI command "show
processes cpu" appears
in CLI guide but is not
supported on device
Command "show processes cpu" which appears in CLI
guide is not supported on device. Need to remove
command from CLI guide (and other docs if they exist)
User Guide