System Configuration 27
Example #3: Show Last Time Domain Reflectometry Tests
Use the show copper-ports tdr command in Privileged EXEC mode to display the last Time Domain
Reflectometry (TDR) tests on specified ports.
The following example displays the last TDR tests on all ports.
console#show copper-ports tdr
Port Result Length [meters] Date
---- -------- --------------- ---------------
1/g1 OK
1/g2 Short 50 13:32:00 23 July 2004
1/g3 Test has not been preformed
1/g4 Open 128 13:32:08 23 July 2004
1/g5 Fiber - -
Fiber Port Cable Test
Example #1: Show Optical Transceiver Diagnostics
Use the show fiber-ports optical-transceiver command in Privileged EXEC mode to display the optical
transceiver diagnostics.
NOTE: The show fiber ports command is only applicable to the SFP combo ports and XFP ports (not the ports on
the SFP+ plug-in module).
The following example displays the optical transceiver diagnostics.
console#show fiber-ports optical-transceiver
Port Temp Voltage Current Output Input TX LOS
Power Power Fault
----------- ------ ------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ---
1/g3 w OK E OK OK OK OK
1/g1 Copper
Temp - Internally measured transceiver temperature
Voltage - Internally measured supply voltage
Current - Measured TX bias current
Output Power - Measured TX output power in milliWatts
Input Power - Measured RX received power in milliWatts
TX Fault - Transmitter fault
LOS - Loss of signal