Dell PowerConnect RPS-60 Setup Guide 17
EN 55022 Compliance (Czech Republic Only)
VCCI Notice (Japan Only)
Most Dell computer systems are classified by the Voluntary Control Council
for Interference (VCCI) as Class B information technology equipment
(ITE). However, the inclusion of certain options can change the rating of
some configurations to Class A. ITE, including peripherals, expansion cards,
printers, input/output (I/O) devices, monitors, and so on, integrated into or
connected to the system should match the electromagnetic environment
classification (Class A or B) of the computer system.
To determine which classification applies to your computer system,
examine the regulatory labels/markings (see "VCCI Class A ITE Regulatory
Mark" and "VCCI Class B ITE Regulatory Mark") located on the bottom,
side, or back panel of your computer. Once you have determined your
system’s VCCI classification, read the appropriate VCCI notice.
This device belongs to Class B devices as described in EN 55022, unless
it is specifically stated that it is a Class A device on the specification
label. The following applies to devices in Class A of EN 55022 (radius of
protection up to 30 meters). The user of the device is obliged to take all
steps necessary to remove sources of interference to telecommunication
or other devices.
Pokud není na typovém štítku počítače uvedeno, že spadá do
třídy A podle EN 55022, spadá automaticky do třídy B podle
EN 55022. Pro zařízení zařazená do třídy A (ochranné pásmo
30 m) podle EN 55022 platí následující. Dojde−li k rušení
telekomunikačních nebo jinych zařízení, je uživatel povinen
provést taková opatření, aby rušení odstranil.