66 Sample Scripts and BIOS Settings
disclaims any
'*** liability in connection therewith. Dell provides
no technical
'*** support with regard to such scripting. For more
information on WMI
'*** scripting, refer to applicable Microsoft
Option Explicit
'*** Declare variables
Dim strNameSpace
Dim strComputerName
Dim strClassName
Dim colInstances
Dim objInstance
Dim strWQLQuery
Dim strMessage
Dim strKeyName
'*** Check that the right executable was used to run
the script
'*** and that all parameters were passed
If (LCase(Right(WScript.FullName, 11)) =
"wscript.exe" ) Or _
(Wscript.Arguments.Count < 1) Then
Call Usage()
End If
'*** Initialize variables
strNameSpace = "root/Dellomci"
strComputerName = WScript.Arguments(0)
strClassName = "Dell_SystemSummary"
strKeyName = "Name"
'*** WQL Query to retrieve instances of
strWQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM " & strClassName & "