Standard Data Type Definitions
This appendix contains definitions for data types that are standard in most contexts across the
information technology industry. These are the most common data types for describing variable values
defined in the 10892.mib , dcs3rmt.mib and dcs3fru.mib files. Server Administrator-specific variable
values are defined in the last section of the section in which they are introduced.
Common Data Types
Common data types include several types of strings, the object range, signed and unsigned bit ranges,
and the familiar Boolean (true or false) data type.
Table 1875. Common Data Types
Variable Name: Definition
DellString DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
DellSecurityString DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
DellCostofOwnershipString DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
DellObjectRange INTEGER (1..128)
DellUnsigned8BitRange INTEGER (1..256)
DellUnsigned16BitRange INTEGER (1..65535)
DellUnsigned32BitRange Gauge (0..4294967295)
DellSigned32BitRange INTEGER (-2147483647..2147483647)
DellBoolean INTEGER (0..1 (FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1))
Variables with Data Types of State Capabilities and State
Capabilities Unique
Variables with definitions of <variable name>StateCapabilities or <variable
>StateCapabilitiesUnique are integers representing a series of bit definitions. They are NOT
enumerations and should be treated as bit fields. The value is passed as a decimal value. The decimal
value should be converted to hex and the appropriate bits should be parsed from hex. Some of the more
common bit combinations are defined in some variables, but not all combinations are or will be defined.
Table 1876. Dell State Capabilities
Variable Name: DellStateCapabilities
Data Type: Integer