About Your System 19
Attempting to update
Remote Configuration.
Please wait....
Remote Configuration is in
Wait until the process is complete.
BIOS Update Attempt
BIOS remote update failed. Retry update.
Caution! NVRAM_CLR jumper
is installed on system
NVRAM_CLR jumper is installed. Remove the NVRAM_CLR jumper.
See "System Board Jumpers" on
page 115 for the jumper location.
Data error Faulty diskette, diskette drive,
optical drive, hard drive.
Replace the diskette. Ensure that the
diskette drive, optical drive, and hard-
drive cables are properly connected.
See "Troubleshooting a Diskette
Drive" on page 101 or
"Troubleshooting an Optical Drive" on
page 102 for the appropriate drive(s)
installed in your system.
Decreasing available
Faulty or improperly installed
memory modules.
Ensure that all memory modules are
properly installed. See
""Troubleshooting System Memory"
on page 100.
Diskette drive 0 seek
Incorrect configuration settings in
System Setup program.
Run the System Setup program to
correct the settings. See "Using the
System Setup Program" on page 29.
Faulty or improperly installed
diskette, loose diskette drive or
optical drive interface cable, or
loose power cable.
Replace the diskette. Ensure that the
diskette drive and optical drive cables
are properly connected. See
""Troubleshooting a Diskette Drive"
on page 101" and ""Troubleshooting
an Optical Drive" on page 102" in
"Troubleshooting Your System."
Diskette read failure Faulty or improperly inserted
Replace the diskette.
Diskette subsystem reset
Faulty diskette drive or optical drive
Ensure that the diskette drive and
optical drive cables are properly
connected. See "Troubleshooting a
Diskette Drive" on page 101 and
"Troubleshooting an Optical Drive" on
page 102. If the problem persists, see
"Getting Help" on page 121.
Table 1-6. System Messages (continued)
Message Causes Corrective Actions