Ordering Supplies
Your Dell Photo AIO Printer 924 includes software installed to detect the ink levels in the printer. During
a print job, a screen appears on your computer to warn you of low ink levels. You can order ink online at
www.dell.com/supplies or by phone.
NOTE: If your country is not listed, contact your Dell distributor to order supplies.
Your printer has been designed to print using the following ink cartridges.
US 877-INK-2-YOU Luxembourg 02.713 1590
Australia 1300 303 290 Malaysia 1800880301
Austria 0820-24053035 Mexico 001 866 851 1754
Belgium 02.713 1590 Netherlands 020 - 674 4881
Canada 877-501-4803 Norway 231622 64
Chile 1230-020-3947
Portugal 21 4220710
PRC 800-858-0888
Colombia 01800-9-155676 Poland 022 579 59 65
Czech +420 225 372 711 Puerto Rico 866-851-1760
Denmark 3287 5215 Singapore 1800 394 7486
Finland 09 2533 1411 South Africa 0860 102 591
France 825387247 Spain 902120385
Germany 0800 2873355 Sweden 08 587 705 81
Ireland 1850 707 407 Switzerland 0848 335 599
Italy 800602705 UK 0870 907 4574
Japan 044-556-3551
Supply Item Part number
Standard Capacity black ink cartridge J5566
Standard Capacity color ink cartridge J5567
High Capacity black ink cartridge M4640
High Capacity color ink cartridge M4646
Photo ink cartridge J4844