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38 Entering Information
You have several options for entering information:
• Use the input panel to enter typed text using the soft keyboard or
another input method.
• Write directly on the screen with the stylus.
• Draw pictures on the screen with the stylus.
• Speak into your device microphone to record a message.
Use Microsoft
to synchronize or copy information from
your computer to your device. For more information on ActiveSync, see
ActiveSync Help on your computer.
Entering Text Using the Input Panel
Use the input panel to enter information in any program on your device.
You can type using the soft keyboard or write using Letter Recognizer,
Block Recognizer, or Transcriber. In any case, the characters appear as
typed text on the screen.
To show or hide the input panel, tap the input panel icon. Tap the arrow
next to the input panel icon to change input methods.
input panel icon