10 Chapter 3
Figure 10 Browse for image file
8. Click Browse.
Figure 11 Browse to select commandsXml.xml
9. Navigate to the D Class WES7 Conversion Image folder (on your hard drive) that
contains the commandsXml.xml file (this is the location you selected in "Step 1:
Copy the D Class WES7 Conversion Image Folder (on the DVD-ROM) to Your Local
Hard Drive"), click on the commandsXml.xml file to select it (you may need to select
the All Files option from the Files of Type box to display the commandsXml.xml file
for selection), and then click Open.
CAUTION: Be sure to use the commandsXml.xml file you extracted in "Step 1: Copy
the D Class WES7 Conversion Image Folder (on the DVD-ROM) to Your Local Hard
Drive"; DO NOT use the commandsXml.xml file directly from the Conversion
Software Assembly DVD-ROM.
10.In the browse dialog box, click Next to open the Prepare the USB Drive dialog box.
Figure 12 Prepare USB drive