City Code: 02
Technical Support 02 577 826 90
Customer Care 02 577 825 55
Fax 02 575 035 30
Switchboard 02 577 821
Jamaica General Support (dial from within Jamaica only) 1-800-682-3639
Japan (Kawasaki)
International Access Code: 001
Country Code: 81
City Code: 44
Website: support.jp.dell.com
Technical Support (servers) toll-free: 0120-198-498
Technical Support outside of Japan (servers) 81-44-556-4162
Technical Support (Dimension and Inspiron) toll-free: 0120-198-226
Technical Support outside of Japan (Dimension and Inspiron) 81-44-520-1435
Technical Support (Dell Precision, OptiPlex, and Latitude) toll-free:0120-198-433
Technical Support outside of Japan (Dell Precision, OptiPlex, and Latitude) 81-44-556-3894
Technical Support (PDAs, projectors, printers, routers) toll-free: 0120-981-690
Technical Support outside of Japan (PDAs, projectors, printers, routers) 81-44-556-3468
Faxbox Service 044-556-3490
24-Hour Automated Order Service 044-556-3801
Customer Care 044-556-4240
Business Sales Division (up to 400 employees) 044-556-1465
Preferred Accounts Division Sales (over 400 employees) 044-556-3433
Large Corporate Accounts Sales (over 3500 employees) 044-556-3430
Public Sales (government agencies, educational institutions, and medical
Global Segment Japan 044-556-3469
Individual User 044-556-1760
Switchboard 044-556-4300
Korea (Seoul)
International Access Code: 001
Country Code: 82
City Code: 2
Technical Support toll-free: 080-200-3800
Sales toll-free: 080-200-3600
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 604 633 4949
Fax 2194-6202
Switchboard 2194-6000
Technical Support (Electronics and Accessories) toll-free: 080-200-3801
Latin America
Customer Technical Support (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.) 512 728-4093
Customer Service (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.) 512 728-3619
Fax (Technical Support and Customer Service) (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.) 512 728-3883
Sales (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.) 512 728-4397
SalesFax (Austin, Texas, U.S.A.)
512 728-4600
or 512 728-3772
International Access Code: 00
Country Code: 352
Website: support.euro.dell.com
E-mail: tech_be@dell.com
Technical Support (Brussels, Belgium) 3420808075
Home/Small Business Sales (Brussels, Belgium) toll-free: 080016884
Corporate Sales (Brussels, Belgium) 02 481 91 00
Customer Care (Brussels, Belgium) 02 481 91 19
Fax (Brussels, Belgium) 02 481 92 99
Switchboard (Brussels, Belgium) 02 481 91 00
Country Code: 853
Technical Support toll-free: 0800 105
Customer Service (Xiamen, China) 34 160 910
Transaction Sales (Xiamen, China) 29 693 115
Malaysia (Penang)
International Access Code: 00
Country Code: 60
City Code: 4
Website: support.ap.dell.com toll-free: 1 800 88 0193
Technical Support (Dell Precision, OptiPlex, and Latitude) toll-free: 1 800 88 1306
Technical Support (Dimension, Inspiron, and Electronics and Accessories)
Technical Support (PowerApp, PowerEdge, PowerConnect, and PowerVault) toll-free: 1800 88 1386
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 04 633 4949
Transaction Sales toll-free: 1 800 888 202
Corporate Sales toll-free: 1 800 888 213