Physical Disk Management (PD Mgmt)
The Physical Disk Management screen (PD Mgmt) displays physical disk information and action menus. The screen
displays physical disk IDs, vendor names, disk size, type, state, and disk group (DG). You can sort the list of physical
disks based on the headings. You can perform several actions on the physical disks, including the following:
• Rebuilding physical disks
• Performing the Replace Member operation
• Setting the LED to blink
• Making a disk online or offline (unaffiliated with a disk group)
• Creating global hot spares
• Removing dedicated hot spares or global hot spares
The PD Mgmt screen also displays several physical disk properties as shown in the following table.
Table 7. Information on the Physical Disk Management Screen
Information Displayed in Left Panel Supported Information Displayed in Right Panel
Physical Disk:
• Disk ID
• Protocol type
• Capacity (GB)
• Physical Disk State
• Disk Group
• Vendor
• Security Property of Physical Disk
• Encryption Capable
• Product ID
• Firmware Revision
• Disk Write Cache
• S.M.A.R.T state
• Physical Disk operation
• Max Device Link Rate
• Negotiated Link Rate
• Dell Certified Disk
Physical Disk Actions
The following table describes the actions you can perform on physical disks. For procedures that can be used to perform
the actions, see the topic Physical Disk Management (PD Mgmt).
Table 8. Physical Disk Actions
Action Description
Rebuild Regenerates all data to a replacement disk in a redundant virtual disk (RAID level 1, 5, 6, 10,
50, or 60) after a disk failure. A disk rebuild normally occurs without interrupting normal
operations on the affected virtual disk.
Replace Member Replaces the disk in the virtual disk with another disk that can be selected.
LED Blinking Indicates when physical disks are being used to create a virtual disk. You can choose to
start or stop the LED blinking.
Force Online Changes the state of the selected physical disk to online.
Force Offline Changes the state of the selected physical disk so that it is no longer part of a virtual disk.
Make Global HS
Designates the selected physical disk as a global hot spare. A global hot spare is part of a
pool for all virtual disks controlled by the controller.