| Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
Server Address (Confirm/Change, Create)
Displays or edits the server address entries on the Server Address page, or create a new
entry. The following items are in the dialog box that appears when you click Confirm /
Change or Create on the Server Address top page.
You can edit this item only when you click Create.
This item is available only when Server Type is set to SMB.
Server Address Address List to: Selecting each button displays a list of entries for the
group of IDs indicated on the button.
ID Displays the server ID.
Name Displays the file directory name. (Not in Use) is displayed
when there is no registration.
Server Address Displays the address of the file directory.
Delete Deletes the entry for the selected server ID.
Confirm / Change Displays a dialog box where you can edit the entry for the
selected server ID.
Create Displays a dialog box where you can create a new entry
under the selected server ID.
Server Address ID Displays the selected server ID.
Name Allows you to view or change the server name
assigned to the server ID, or enter a new server
Server Type Allows you to view the server type if you click
Confirm / Change. Allows you to edit the server
type if you click Create.
Select this to store scanned data on a server via
the FTP protocol.
Select this to store scanned data on a computer
via the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
Server Address Allows you to view or edit the server address
registered under the server ID, or enter a new
server address.
Share Name
Allows you to view or edit the assigned shared
name, or enter a new shared name, when
Server Type is set to SMB.
Server Path Allows you to view or edit the assigned server
path, or enter a new path.
Server Port
Allows you to view or edit the assigned server
port number, or enter a new port number. If you
leave the text box blank, the default port
number (FTP: 21, SMB: 139) is used.
Login Name Allows you to view or edit the login name that is
required to access the selected protocol, or
enter a new login name.
Login Password Allows you to view or edit the password that is
required to access the selected protocol, or
enter a new password.
Confirms the set password.