2 HP OpenView NNM SE 1.2 With Dell OpenManage HIP 3.2 User’s Guide
obtaining technical assistance from
Dell, 1-13
online help, 3-8
configuring alert actions, 3-7
features, 1-6
technical assistance, 1-13
troubleshooting, 1-1
HP OpenView NNM SE
about, 3-1
accessing, 3-1
computer-based training, 1-12
Dell systems supported, 1-6
demonstration CD, 1-12
Discovery Monitor, 3-5
features, 1-6
features, system specific, 1-8
help, 1-13, 3-7
how to use, 3-2
icons, list of, 3-4
installing, 2-1
navigating through NNM submaps, 3-2
performing actions on an object, 3-2
Status Manager, 3-5
Trap Forwarder, 3-6
uninstalling, 2-15
upgrading, 2-1
using, 3-1
list of, 3-4
NNM SE, 3-3
Server Console, 3-4
installing NNM SE, 2-1
managed node
for NetWare, 1-3
for Windows NT Server operating
system, 1-2
managed nodes
overview, 1-2
managed-node servers
operating system requirements, 2-2
system requirements, 2-2
management station
installing, 2-10, 2-11
modem requirements, 2-3
operating system requirements, 2-3
overview, 1-3
system requirements, 2-3
upgrading, 2-12
Microsoft Internet Information Service,
installing, 2-10
Microsoft Peer Web Services, installing,
MobileChoice Paging for HP OpenView,
configuring for Dell Remote Assistant
Server Service, 2-18
configuring for DRAC, 2-17
switch settings, 2-18
network configuration
data flow in, 1-6
example of, 1-4
Network Node Manager Special Edition
HP OpenView NNM SE