22 | Using MySonicWALL
Using MySonicWALL
Dell SonicWALL requires a MySonicWALL account prior to
configuring your appliance. If you already have a
MySonicWALL account, you can continue to Registration
Overview, page 23.
MySonicWALL is used during registration of your
Dell SonicWALL appliance and to activate or purchase licenses
for security services, support, or software specific to your
Dell SonicWALL device.
For a High Availability configuration, MySonicWALL provides a
way to associate a secondary unit that can share security
service licenses with your primary appliance.
Note: MySonicWALL registration information is not sold or
shared with any other company.
Creating a MySonicWALL Account
A MySonicWALL account is required in order to register the Dell
SonicWALL NSA 5600/4600/3600 appliance. Create a new
MySonicWALL account from any computer by navigating to:
To create a MySonicWALL account:
1. In your Web browser, navigate to
2. In the log in screen, click the Register Now link.
3. Complete the Registration form, and then click Register.
4. Verify that the information is correct, and then click
5. To confirm your account was created, click Continue.