158 はじめに
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メモ: 次の例では、ユーザーが選択できる箇所は [ ] で括られています。また、可能な場合は
デフォルト値を { } に示してあります。オプションを指定せずに <Enter> を押すと、デフォル
次の例には、上記の入力値を使用して Dell Easy Setup Wizard のサンプルセッションを実
POST が完了してスイッチが起動すると、次のダイアログボックスが表示されます。
Welcome to Dell Easy Setup Wizard
The setup wizard guides you through the initial switch
configuration, and gets you up and running as quickly as
possible.You can skip the setup wizard, and enter CLI mode
to manually configure the switch.You must respond to the next
question to run the setup wizard within 60 seconds, otherwise
the system will continue with normal operation using the default
system configuration.Note: You can exit the setup wizard at any
point by entering [ctrl+z].
Would you like to run the setup wizard (you must answer this
question within 60 seconds)? [Y/N] y<Enter>
手順 1:
The system is not configured for SNMP management by default.To
manage the switch using SNMP (required for Dell Open Manage Network
Manager) you can:
o Set up the initial SNMP version 1 & 2 now.
o Return later and set up other SNMP accounts.(For more information
on setting up an SNMP version 3 account, see the user
Would you like to configure the SNMP management interface
now?[Y/N] y<Enter>
To configure the SNMP management account you must specify the
management system IP address and the "community string" or
password that the particular management system uses to access the
switch.The wizard automatically assigns the highest access level
[Privilege Level 15] to this account.You can use Dell Open Manage
Network Manager or other management interfaces to change this
setting and to add additional management systems later.For more
information on adding management systems, see the User’s Guide.