Configuring IPv6 625
— Positive confirmation was received within the last Reachable Time milliseconds that
the forward path to the neighbor was functioning properly. While in REACH state, the device
takes no special action as packets are sent.
— More than ReachableTime milliseconds have elapsed since the last positive confirmation
was received that the forward path was functioning properly. While in STALE state, the device
takes no action until a packet is sent.
— More than ReachableTime milliseconds have elapsed since the last positive confirmation
was received that the forward path was functioning properly. A packet was sent within the last
DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME seconds. If no reachability confirmation is received within
DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME seconds of entering the DELAY state, send a neighbor
solicitation message and change the state to PROBE.
— A reachability confirmation is actively sought by resending neighbor solicitation
messages every RetransTimer milliseconds until a reachability confirmation is received.
Last Updated
— Time since the address was confirmed to be reachable.
Displaying IPv6 Neighbor Table
Open the
IPv6 Neighbor Table
Select the interface to be displayed from the
drop-down menu.
Neighbor details for the selected interface display.
Displaying IPv6 Neighbor Table Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• IPv6 Routing Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
Table 10-5. IPv6 Neighbor Table Commands
CLI Command Description
show ipv6 neighbors Displays information about IPv6 neighbors.
clear ipv6 neighbors Clears all entries in the IPv6 neighbor table or an entry on a specific